Subject: Re: X server for Retina Z2
To: Stephen Champion <>
From: Garth Corral <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/31/1996 08:36:19
On Tue, 30 Jan 1996, Stephen Champion wrote:

> 	I'd kinda like to have the sources to each of these, anyway.  
> I've only seen the sources to Xdaniver :^(  Perhaps it's a bit of a strange
> habit these days, but I prefer to compile and muck with software myself.
> Anyone know where I can fetch them?  Who wrote XamigaRetina, anyway?
Strange habit??  Oh well, I seem to have this same strange habit.  I 
have also been wondering about the location of the sources for these X 
servers.  I have recently aquired a Retina Z3 and am planning to install 
X after I upgrade to 1.1.  Is there any active development on Xamiga24?  
Are the sources available?

I'll also be compiling X11R6 from sources as well.  I know there's been a 
lot of discussion on the topic of where this tree belongs (most of which 
I missed), but I have no intention of installing this in /usr/local.

Has any though been given to making the ddx stuff available as a set of 
patches against the X11R6 tree ala XFree86?  I am willing to help out 
with such an effort but I really don't know where to start.  I can't even 
find the sources for Xamiga24.

> 	TIA
> 		-steve