, "amiga <amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Illenseer <markus@tiger.teuto.de>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/22/1996 18:32:43
George Harvey wrote:
[Answer also directed to port-amiga]
> What I would really like to do is find out what the problem is with
> Picasso cards, some people have no problems with them but others get a
> blank screen.
Me, too! As we encountered similar problems during the development of the
cirrus-drivers, all I can guess is that somehting magic is going on here.
> Either there is more than one version of the Picasso out
> there or there is some subtle interaction with other components of the
> system which stops the card working in some instances. From my own
> experiments, I am fairly confident that the card is being recognised and
> the scan modes are being set but something is stopping the text/images
> from being seen.
There has been only one major redesign of the Picasso II series. This was
when the 1 and 2 MB Version differed in not having empty sockets for
additional RAM. Since September 1993 the design shuld not have been
changed that much, only very few details, most probably not causing the
problems (other relais for instance), have been made.
> Board: Picasso II
> RAM: 2MB
> Version: 1.4 (etched onto edge of board near Zorro connector)
> Cirrus chip: CL-GD5426-80QC-A
> Jumpers: JP301 - open
> JP401 - lower 2 pins jumpered (nearest Zorro bus)
> JP402 - open
I have exactly the same board with same specifications in my A3000.
Something we should compare as well:
#> Version sys:Devs/Monitors/picasso file full
PicassoII-Monitor 2.51 (10.06.94)
Developed by Thomas Sontowski & Frank Mariak
#> Version libs:vilintuisup.library
vilintuisup.library 2.9
For me it does _not_ matter whether I boot the Amiga full blown and fully
initialized into AmigaDOS and then booting NetBSD or just starting NetBSD
(from bootblock). Does it for you?
Markus Illenseer