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Re: VirtualBOX additions (again)

On Fri 11 Jan 2019 at 16:49:36 +0000, Chavdar Ivanov wrote:
> To get the window resizing I had to install my compiled version of
> VirtualBox guest utilities; it works, but resizing is a bit, shall I
> say, reluctant - works sometimes, usually when expanding, when
> shrinking the window it doesn't or there is a delay. My guest
> utilities are built from trunk, so everything is possible.

twm and ctwm don't really know yet about screens that change size. ctwm
in the development version is a lot more advanced by now than the one
included in NetBSD base, but you can already use the following trick.
Since (c)twm is quick at restarting and pretty good at keeping your
window arrangements, you can create a key combination for this. There is
also a "restart" menu item in the default configuration. Simply restart
it when the screen changes, and it is good to go.

Key combination Alt + Pause (put this near the top of your .ctwmrcr .twmrc):

# EMERGENCY BINDING                                                             
# In case CTWM fails for some unknown reason, set up this first.             
# Arrange so "Alt-Pause" will re-read ctwm's RC file.                           
# Otherwise we may not be able to get to the "Restart" menu item.               
"Pause" = m : r|w|t|m|f : f.twmrc                                               

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- "What good is a Ring of Power
\X/ rhialto/at/falu.nl      -- if you're unable...to Speak." - Agent Elrond

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