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Re: update 8.0_RC1->8.0 (was: library versions in pkgsrc binaries)
You wrote:
> > And if I install the 8.0 sets remotely, I assume this means in single-user
> > mode using remote console access.
> That's the safest way. Doing it in multi-user mode may work, too.
> Don't forget the p key when un-tar-ing the sets.
> > I have in the past [...] had bad experiences with configuration files
> > being overwritten
> If you don't accidently extract the etc set, no.
> > and the need for extensive fixing to get back to a fully working system.
> Just postinstall/etcupdate on the new etc set.
> If you need to do this on a set of machines and get tired of answering the same questions over and over again, I have a patch to add record/replay support to etcupdate.
Sounds useful. Yes, I have eight machines running NetBSD, and
updating to a new release can be a real chore.
Steve Blinkhorn <steve%prd.co.uk@localhost>
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