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epilog... Re: Migrating server from i386 to amd64 - Possibly NetBSD_6x --> 7x?

Summary of migration from i386 NetBSD 6_Stable to amd64 NetBSD 7_stable

Was a hassle... I could boot to my old raidframe disk directly on the
new machine, but neither install CD nor fresh install on spare HD could
see the raidframe HD from my old machine when starting from either.
Not sure if this was because of AHCI versus ATA bios setting or
raidframe autoconfigure w/hard root.

I finally set bios to ATA mode and disabled autoconfigure on my old
machine...not sure which did it as I tried 2x variable changes at
once... my raid disk was visible  (but not the raid set) and I could
mount it as a new raid set ...

At this point my setup was too munged to figure out how to use the
upgrade script from Stephen (or I just panicked or both! :)

so I ended up compiling an amd64 7_stable
on the fresh install and updated the raid filesystem, reset it to
autoconfigure with soft root, booted into the new install on raidframe
disk, ran etcupdate and proceeded from there... rebuilt my packages...
pretty much started from scratch because not that many...

In the end it is working fine and is in "production" as my home

One lingering problem is I'm using a VERY OLD 640x480 VGA display on
the server, but my console switches to 1024x768 and I cannot figure
out how to coerce it to stay in 640x480 mode...

I've tried setting the following in my /boot.cfg:
menu=Boot normally:rndseed /var/db/entropy-file;vesa 640x480;boot netbsd
but this seems inefective...

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