Subject: Re: MySQL: very large key_buffer on amd64?
To: Chris Kantarjiev <>
From: Greg Oster <>
List: port-amd64
Date: 09/20/2005 08:51:16
Chris Kantarjiev writes:
> So ... is is possible to bump the 8GB datasize hard limit? I've got 12GB in
> the 
> machine now, could put in 16GB, and would like MySQL to use it all.


 options MAXDSIZ="(16L*1024*1024*1024)"

to your kernel config and then re-config, re-build, etc.

Hopefully you'll have more luck bumping this value on amd64 than I 
had on bumping it for mac68k this past weekend :-}  (i.e. I don't 
know if anything relies on the 8GB limit in amd64, but it seems that 
something in mac68k land relies on a 64MB limit..)


Greg Oster