Subject: Re: resets under high load
To: '' <>
From: Schothuis, Bjorn <>
List: port-amd64
Date: 03/18/2004 10:32:31
>Please keep the <WILD GUESS> mode enabled, I'm really scratching my head on

>this one.  I'm wondering whether anyone with an nvidia or amd chipset can 
>reproduce this.


We'll not glad about it. But. I can. I have Asus K8V / amd64
in X (windowmaker) I tried make && make install && make clean of 

and it does reboot. I'm not sure when it happend as I dod not know of the
problem at the time. So I just left it running last night, and this morning
It was booted. (no installed gnome though). As far as I checked. no Messages

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