Subject: RE: Replace AS200 power supply with ATX?
To: None <>
From: Skoldberg, Emil <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/06/2007 21:05:58

>> Thanks for clearing this out for me. I still have not got it to work
>> though - the PSU does not power up when I try to switch it on.  I
>> have checked the connections, (after getting a multimeter), so my
>> suspicion is that it could have something to do with the PS_ON and/or
>> PWR_OK connectors.

>Have you verified that the PSU powers up OK on its own?  ATX supplies
>are, in my experience at least, generally willing to power up with zero
>load; just ground the "please power on" line.  (This, again in my
>experience, is a green wire going to the 2x10 connector, in the middle
>of a bunch of grounds (black) on one side.  It is a lighter (thinner)
>wire than most of the wires to that connector.)  Conveniently, there
>are a bunch of grounds right next to it, so just a piece of wire bent
>to fit between two adjacent pins should do the trick.  Always has for
>me, at any rate. :)

Yes, I just now checked this: the PSU does indeed power up when PS_ON

is grounded,  I'll see what happens when I try to connect to the =

with the grounding in place.

