Subject: =?iso-8859-2?b?TmV3IGhvYmJ5IHBvcnRhbCBiZXRhIHRlc3RzLg==?=
To: None <>
From: Portal Adminstrator <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 06/16/2005 19:59:02
A new non-commercial portal for collectors and hobbysts will be soon launched. Anyone willing to present
own items with photos and description is welcome.
The portal is getting through tests and it is not opened for public yet.
If you are a collector or a hobbyst and colleting items, also these uncovnetional,
is your passion and joy please reply to our message.
You will get user login and password to access the portal and take part in portal tests.
If you find this idea attractive please reply to our message to
Best regards