Subject: FYI -- "systat vmstat" from -current on 1.6.x.....
To: NetBSD/alpha Discussion List <port-alpha@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/22/2004 16:34:53
Well I finally got fed up with the old "systat" brain-damage on my SMP
alphas because it wasn't really telling me anything terribly useful that
I couldn't see other ways and it was getting increasingly more difficult
to tune these systems properly as all the other tools are so much more
painstaking to use (and some features just aren't available either).

So, I ported the -current version back to the 1.6.x branch (which first
required porting libcurses back too, but that was trivial), and now I
must say I'm really quite impressed with the new "systat", especially
the new "systat vmstat" display.  It's really nice to finally see the
interrupt rates on the alpha, and most amazing to finally see the full
system capacity represented properly for multi-CPU systems in the CPU
bargraph and CPU percentages!

I'm really looking forward to 2.1 (I never touch a .zero release! :-),
but my production environments really need a stable base and so I'm
really glad I took the time to do this "pullup" for myself!

If anyone would like the patches to do a pullup on the official
netbsd-1-6 branch, or for yourself, please just let me know!

This is with a build running and with NFS serving a build on another
machine and sundry other things like the emacs I'm typing to, named,
ntpd, etc. -- ccd0 is a striped array of sd0-sd3 and its where the

   26 users    Load  3.63  3.62  3.42                  Mon Nov 22 16:19:29

Proc:r  d  s  w    Csw   Trp   Sys  Int  Sof   Flt            PAGING   SWAPPING
     2  3 28       337  2583  5990 3374  363  2452            in  out   in  out
  44.8% Sy  24.2% Us   0.1% Ni   0.6% In  30.3% Id    pages
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
======================>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                    28 forks
                                                                        8 fkppw
          memory totals (in kB)             4053 Interrupts             8 fksvm
         real   virtual    free                  soft serial              pwait
Active 963888    963888  225256               19 soft net                 relck
All   1306552   1306552 2273504               12 soft clock               rlkok
                                            1201 cpu0 clock               noram
Namei         Sys-cache     Proc-cache       137 cpu0 device          229 ndcpy
    Calls     hits    %     hits     %       181 cpu0 ipi              55 fltcp
     5901     5877  100        6     0           microset ipi        1491 zfod
                                             147 shootdown ipi         83 cow
Disks: seeks xfers bytes %busy                32 cpu0 imb ipi          32 fmin
   ld0                                         2 synch fpu ipi         42 ftarg
   ld1                                           discard fpu ipi          itarg
   ld2                                      1197 cpu1 clock           466 wired
   ld3                                       487 cpu1 ipi                 pdfre
   fd0                                         1 microset ipi             pdscn
   cd0                                       456 shootdown ipi
   sd0          24  251K   3.5                29 cpu1 imb ipi
   sd1          25  261K   2.4                   synch fpu ipi
   sd2          26  293K   3.3                 1 discard fpu ipi
   sd3          20  240K   2.2                42 kn300 irq 12
   md0                                       104 kn300 irq 16
   md1                                           kn300 irq 36
  ccd0          92 1045K   5.0                 5 kn300 irq 44
                                                 isa irq 4

and again a bit later with some activity on the system and sources disks:

   26 users    Load  4.00  3.84  3.56                  Mon Nov 22 16:22:56

Proc:r  d  s  w    Csw   Trp   Sys  Int  Sof   Flt            PAGING   SWAPPING
     1  2 23       165   817  2468 2435  131   725            in  out   in  out
  16.4% Sy  42.9% Us   0.2% Ni   1.8% In  38.7% Id    pages
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
========>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>%                                        12 forks
                                                                        2 fkppw
          memory totals (in kB)             2683 Interrupts             2 fksvm
         real   virtual    free                  soft serial              pwait
Active 995664    995664  193528               20 soft net                 relck
All   1338280   1338280 2241776               12 soft clock               rlkok
                                            1201 cpu0 clock               noram
Namei         Sys-cache     Proc-cache        51 cpu0 device          104 ndcpy
    Calls     hits    %     hits     %        35 cpu0 ipi              23 fltcp
      560      548   98        2     0           microset ipi         360 zfod
                                              22 shootdown ipi         54 cow
Disks: seeks xfers bytes %busy                12 cpu0 imb ipi          32 fmin
   ld0           2   15K   4.0                   synch fpu ipi         42 ftarg
   ld1           3   46K   3.9                   discard fpu ipi          itarg
   ld2           3   46K   4.0              1197 cpu1 clock           464 wired
   ld3                                        41 cpu1 ipi                 pdfre
   fd0                                         1 microset ipi             pdscn
   cd0                                        26 shootdown ipi
   sd0           1   15K   3.6                14 cpu1 imb ipi
   sd1           5   77K   3.8                   synch fpu ipi
   sd2                                           discard fpu ipi
   sd3           1   15K   3.6                40 kn300 irq 12
   md0                                         3 kn300 irq 16
   md1                                           kn300 irq 36
  ccd0           7  107K   3.8                 8 kn300 irq 44
                                                 isa irq 4

Now if we got rid of that ever-empty "seeks" column then we could
probably stuff in the "filepages", "execpages", "anonpages",
"nbufpages", and "freepages" counts and percentages.....

						Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098                  VE3TCP            RoboHack <>
Planix, Inc. <>          Secrets of the Weird <>