Subject: ProFTPD
To: None <>
From: Carsten Friede <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 02/12/2004 23:49:40

I'm trying hard to get the proftpd daemon running on my DEC3000 with 
NetBSD 1.6. I installed proftpd by using the ports collection. I also 
made an entry in /etc/rc.local like "/usr/pkg/etc/rc.d/proftpd start". 
But all I get in this case is "$proftp not properly set" and no running 
daemon. Then I tried to start it directly through /usr/pkg/sbin/proftpd 
and there I get "error opening scoreboard: No such file or directory". 
What is going on? Does anybody know how to get this thing running properly?

	Dresden University of Technology
	Department of Computer Science
	Dresden, Germany