Subject: Re: LK[24]01 keyboard hardware interface?
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 10/23/2003 11:06:53
der Mouse mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA asked

> This is good.  It will confuse the ROM selftest, but it appears I
> should be able to connect a Sun keyboard with just a level shifter and
> inverter, same as for a bog-standard serial port.

DEC keyboard and mice (including tablet) accept reset and model
inquiring command sequences.  You need to emulate them to go.

> Also, does anyone have any doc on the drawing acceleration hardware in
> the 3000-300X? 

Please search "Smart framebuffer" research paper written by
DECWRL.  If you can not find it, I can send you PDF.  Since
it's not a programming manual, it's short to know everything to
facilitate the hardware.  Also you can grab TGA programming
references.  DC21030/21130.  EC-N0683 and EC-QD2QC,
respectively.  Either is available in   TGA is the
descendant of SFB, dual-purpose (X and Windows) hardware,
decorated with M$ friendly features.

Toru Nishimura/ALKYL Technology