Subject: Re: Netatalk corrupts files and file size wrong on alpha
To: John Refling <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 04/24/2003 11:16:17
On Tue, 22 Apr 2003, John Refling wrote:
> Anyone using netatalk on alpha successfully?
Maybe not, judging from the lack of response.
> Each time I transfer a file to the mac volume served
> by the alpha's netatalk server, the file is corrupt.
> The first part of the file will be OK, then garbage.
> Additionally, a 50k file on the mac will have a file
> size of over 500MB on the Netbsd side, per ls, but
> that disk space does not seem to be accounted for by
> du.
> How can this be?
It's a "sparse" file? When you seek() past the end of file, the file
grows, but the intervening bits of the file are not really there, so
no space is taken up on the disk. I'm pretty sure that reading back
those parts is supposed to returns 0x00's, though, not garbage.
"netatalk-asun" is an ancient (and therefore widely used) version of
the code-base for the current netatalk package. You might give that a
try, to help narrow things down. Either way, it sounds like a
significant bug, so please file a problem report.