Subject: Re: XP1000 heating...
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 04/02/2003 23:17:40
I think I'll add a supplementary fan cooler on the rear of my XP1000.
On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Johan A. van Zanten wrote:
> ---In message <>
> >I'm not sure if Alpha has always been this way. I've dubbed my AxpPCI-33
> >(166Mhz cpu) the "Mini-tower Space Heater". I can warm my sorta-large
> >computer room up with it. It also seems to draw a bit more power than my
> >Duron 750... which can also heat a room. My board did come without a fan,
> >but I strapped one on from fear of melting the board. The specs say they can
> >go up to 85 C before it kills iteself. <shudder>
> The two or three DS10s i run (466 Mhz) throw quite a bit of heat. I've
> had to park the rack in front of a window A/C unit to keep the DS10's
> internal temperature sensor around 45C. I'm not sure what a "good" range
> is for the machine, but i'd really rather see it around 40C. (The RMC
> itself says that it sends warnings at 55C and shuts off at 60C.)
> --johan