Subject: Re: XP1000 heating...
To: None <>
From: Graham Allan <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 04/02/2003 10:17:36
On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 10:09:50AM -0600, Johan A. van Zanten wrote:
> The two or three DS10s i run (466 Mhz) throw quite a bit of heat. I've
> had to park the rack in front of a window A/C unit to keep the DS10's
> internal temperature sensor around 45C. I'm not sure what a "good" range
> is for the machine, but i'd really rather see it around 40C. (The RMC
> itself says that it sends warnings at 55C and shuts off at 60C.)
DS10s are pretty warm, but the 1U DS10L's probably run 10 degrees or so
hotter still!
Graham Allan
School of Physics and Astronomy - University of Minnesota