Subject: Re: XFree4.3.0 'caught signal 11'-fixed
To: mel <>
From: David Hopper <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/07/2003 11:59:00
mel wrote:
> userland programs such as xpdf ,communicator,  mozilla..etc can prevent
> server failure with:
> 'caught signal 11..' by not loading the speedo and Type1 font dir at
> server startup. This works well for me.

I don't mean to be a pest, but I don't see any of these signal 11 errors on 
the machines as tested at  I'm primarily using a 
PWS 600au with a Radeon 7000 + xsrc/20560 patch, and an AlphaStation with an 
S3 Virge.  I load Speedo and Type1, as well as freefonts, jmk, and the new 
Bitstream Vera fonts.  I've tested xpdf and (a non-pthread) mozilla-- they all 
run fine.

The font stuff did indeed change quite a bit-- I simply let 'make World' do 
the new mkfontscale, mkfontdir, and fc-cache stuff, and it just works.  In 
fact, I've seen the elimination of a particular kde3 Xserver font crash from 
the 4.2.1 codebase.

Newer galeon, mozilla, and evolution still crash for me, but that's due to 
pthread (and it definitely doesn't bring down XFree).  I quite honestly have 
yet to see a single Xserver crash on my production machines.

> -Mel

Just some data for you,