Subject: Re: memtest for alpha?
To: Randy Arabie <>
From: None <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 10/23/2002 15:40:20
if I Were you I would use the test utility from the SRM console.
When I had problem with memory it always came out doing a test from SRM
What make u think to have a memory problem ???
I hope it's not a Bcache problem (As was in my situation).
On Wed, 23 Oct 2002, Randy Arabie wrote:
> I suspect I may have a memory problem and wanted to run a memtest, but
> it seems only memtest86 for x86 arch is available in the packages.
> Is there a way to test the memory in an Alpha system? I'm running
> 1.6 on a DEC AlphaStation 255.
> --
> Allons Rouler!
> Randy