Subject: DEC3k600 PMAGB-BA error
To: None <>
From: Jochen Kunz <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/06/2002 22:01:08

My beloved DEC 3k600 wants to tell me about an error, but I don't
understand her:

      DEC 3000 - M600
Digital Equipment Corporation
System conducting power up tests

Devnam           Devstat
--------         -------
     CPU          OK KN17-BA -V7.0-S887-I21F-sV2.1-DECchip 21064  P3.0
     OSC          175 MHz
    ASIC          OK 
     MEM          OK 128MB
     NVR          OK 
     SCC          OK ptr(0) = Not Present  keybd(2) = Not Present
      NI          OK Ethernet Address: 08-00-2B-BA-6E-8E , THICK
    SCSI          OK 
    ISDN          OK 
     TC1          ?? 301 TC1   bc - PMAGB-BA
     TC0          OK - PMAGB-BA
System power up tests detected error(s).
See your system documentation for more information.

Could anyone please translate "301" for me? 
Yes, I want a dual head config. 

p.s. I get the same error if I plug this PMAGB-BA alone into TC0. The
other PMAGB-BA works well. 

