Subject: Direct syscall in asm
To: NetBSD/Alpha <>
From: B. James Phillippe <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/29/2002 14:29:10

I'm attempting to overcome a long-time weakness with asm by coding up some
examples, starting with "Hello World".  Most of the resources I find are
for either x86, Linux or Microsoft/Intel-style asm.  I'd like to learn
using NetBSD/alpha and GNU as, since that is what I use.  I have been
reading the Alpha reference material and it appears I need to issue a
call_pal with a value of 0x83 (for syscall).  If I'm understanding the
material properly, I need to first push the arguments to the stack
(including the system call number).  I guess I'm hoping someone here would
be able to show a minimal example of how this is done under NetBSD.

This is what I have so far, which crashes and burns (sig11) on invocation:


    mystr:      .asciz "Hello world!\n"
    len         = . - mystr - 1

.globl __start


        ldgp        $29,0($27)
        lda         $sp,-32($sp)
        ldq         $19,len
        lda         $18,mystr
        ldl         $17,1
        ldl         $16,4

        call_pal    0x83

# bryan at darkforest dot org
# Software Engineer