Subject: Re: newfs core dumping in 1.5ZA snapshot
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/21/2002 23:50:45
In message <>, Luke Mewburn writes:
>How old is the snapshot?
>There is (was?) a toolchain problem with gcc -O2 when compiling newfs
>on the alpha, so I added a workaround to the newfs Makefile on 2002/01/06
>to compile newfs with gcc -O1, which appeared to fix the problem for me
>on my PC164.
I think the snapshot was dated 1/15, but it's possible that parts of it were
built earlier. That sounds very plausible; if I get a chance, I'll make sure
to update my source to that level, and then see if I can build install