Subject: Re: Help identify this Alpha (for NetBSD install)
To: NetBSD/Alpha <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 10/04/2001 20:54:39
In message <Pine.LNX.4.31.0110041834000.8365-100000@uranus.terran>, "B. James P
hillippe" writes:
>reporting itself as Aspen Systems Durango Workstation.  Next on the list is
>to get a supported NIC (I'm assuming any DECchip 21X4X will do) and a
>high-end SRM-supported 64bit SCSI board and some big drives.

There is no such thing as a 64-bit SCSI board that's supported by the old
SRM, so far as I can tell.  You will have to use a cheap one to boot.  :(

BTW, any ethernet card that NetBSD supports should work fine; the Alpha
firmware won't be able to netboot, maybe, but it should work fine.

>I asked
>advice on the SCSI board for a similar system (a PC164SX); now I'm
>wondering the same thing about this board.  BTW, there is a 32bit NCR
>53c875 in there now.

You lucky scumbag.  ;)  I've got about 8 of those cards, none of which
work with a PC164.
