Subject: RE: Am I being ignored and/or blocked?
To: David Woyciesjes <>
From: linc <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 09/14/2001 13:27:23
On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, David Woyciesjes wrote:
> Thanks Ross. Anyway, my recent post is more of a request for a
> confirmation of my suspicions...
> ---My Multia froze hard one day, running 1.5.1, and hasn't powered up since.
> Changed memory, battery, tried FailSafe Diskette, still no boot. I assume
> Heat Death, right?
> ---Second Multia, when I try to boot 1.5.1 from floppy and SCSI, gets...
> "Processor Correctable Error through vector 00000063"...
> Changed memory, battery, tried FailSafe Diskette, still the same. Assume
> Heat Death on this too...
> An older message, which is kind of moot now, since none of my
> Multias can boot 1.5.1 at the moment...
> May be related to current problem, but I don't recall which of the
> two dead Multias I was using when I was trying to get serial console
> working... I think it was the one that now gets the Vector 63 error...
Hey David,
Sorry I didn't help either - but for the most part it was because I didn't
know what the heck *I* was doing either :-)
In general answer to your above questions though, Multia's are junk (can't
get mine to work either), and 1.5.1 has had nothing but problems since
it's release - hence the 1.5.2 release (today?).. Try 1.5, which works
fantastic on my 200 4/233..
1:23pm up 32 days, 6:47, 5 users, load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.00