Subject: Re: 433au boot panic
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/24/2001 11:01:39
I have not seen anything like this before.
make sure you have the latest firmware update :
At 11:15 AM 3/24/01 +0000, you wrote:
>I am trying to get NetBSD 1.5 to run on a 433au. The install from boot
>floppies works (ftp)using the on board dec 550 de0 card. However on the
>first boot 'dka0 -flags a ', i get a kernel panic with: Panic:
>dec_550_intr_map: dec550 irq too large(250) - how do i 'fix' this one?
>Can the ewa0 card be disabled from the SRM console? Simply removing the
>cable between card and motherboard does not drop ewa0 from 'show dev '
>in SRM console.