Subject: Re: SRM installation on EB164
To: Heredity Choice <stork@QNET.COM>
From: Peter Petrakis <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/11/2000 22:42:46
I recall you should be able to put the .rom file on a floppy and do a 
firmware update
from the ARC/NT console. If you can't do it you can do it through DBM , 
just be
sure what you are doing because if you screw this up you'll be looking 
for  a  SROM cable :-)

BTW the EB164 along with anything else that decended from it like the 
LX. The DBM does
'not' have a BIOS emulator. It's not just your machine. However, EV6 
Tsunami based
machines 'do' have a DBM available that has a BIOS emulator.

If you end up having to use DBM read the following.

- Put the eb164srm.rom onto a MS-DOS formated floppy
- put the floppy into the Alpha
- at the DBM console type in the following

EB164> romlist

This will tell you what images are in flash, where they are, what they are,
and their size.

- Look for the ARC/NT console entry. Note it's "ROM OFFSET" and it's 
size in hex
(it's pretty obvious).

- Erase the ARC/NT console

( for example)

EB164> flasherase 10000  C2C0
which says start erasing from address 10000 C2C0 bytes over.
Once that is complete you can continue to install SRM.

type the following.

EB164> flload eb164srm.rom 800000

Note when it's down reading the file it will output the SIZE of the file 
in HEX.
Keep note of this since you need it to tell DBM how far to flash.

now. flash this image at the same offset you found the ARC/NT bios.
For example if you take the offset I used from the previous example
and assume that the image you read is A8000 in size you would...

EB164> flash 800000 10000 A8000

Then do a rom list to verify the integrity of the images in rom. barring no
errors you should be safe to power off the machine, open the FS jumper,
and turn the machine back on. You should now have a nice shiny SRM prompt.
Good luck and it you have any questions about this just email me.


Heredity Choice wrote:

> I have rescued an EB164 from a life of NT. It has no SRM firmware and I
> cannot find instructions on flashing the ROM.  Compaq will give no help
> because every EB164 was sold by an OEM, in this case unknown.
> I have downloaded eb164dia.sys, eb164srm.rom, eb164srm.sys, and
> fwupdate.exe. I have jumpered the motherboard for flashing the ROM and can
> monitor debug using tip on my Intel box as a dumb terminal (this is
> apparently an early EB164, without debug drivers for the video and
> keyboard).
> I have no need to preserve the NT firmware, I should welcome an opportunity
> to update the debug, but my main goal in life is to install SRM on this dear
> little m*board. How is it done?
> Paul Smith