Subject: Re: NEW_SCC_DRIVER problem
To: Izumi Tsutsui <>
From: Jason R Thorpe <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/05/2000 08:01:17
On Sun, Nov 05, 2000 at 09:56:31PM +0900, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:

 > I took a look at zstty port on my 3000/300 with TCWSCONS kernel.
 > It can send/receive charactors but does not handle RTS/CTS nor
 > DCD/DTR at all. Then I notice comments in tc/scc.c:
 > 	 * NOTE: The wiring we assume is the one on the 3min:
 > 	 *
 > 	 *	out	A-TxD	-->	TxD	keybd or mouse
 > 	 *	in	A-RxD	-->	RxD	keybd or mouse
 > 	 *	out	A-DTR~	-->	DTR	comm
 > 	 *	out	A-RTS~	-->	RTS	comm
 > 	 *	in	A-CTS~	-->	SI	comm
 > 	 *	in	A-DCD~	-->	RI	comm
 > 	 *	in	A-SYNCH~-->	DSR	comm
 > 	 *	out	B-TxD	-->	TxD	comm
 > 	 *	in	B-RxD	-->	RxD	comm
 > 	 *	in	B-RxC	-->	TRxCB	comm
 > 	 *	in	B-TxC	-->	RTxCB	comm
 > 	 *	out	B-RTS~	-->	SS	comm
 > 	 *	in	B-CTS~	-->	CTS	comm
 > 	 *	in	B-DCD~	-->	CD	comm
 > This means channel A and B is _not_ independent.

It's true of all TC Alphas and the TC DECstations that have the SCC
chip, as well.  In fact, it's because we currently don't handle the
cross-wiring of the devices that the NEW_SCC_DRIVER is not the default.

Bill Studenmund and I had some ideas on how to fix the problem, but we
changed jobs before we had a chance to implement them.  I need to get
my 3000/300 set up so we can work on it again.

        -- Jason R. Thorpe <>