Subject: Re: RAIDFrame or CCD? (WAS Re: ccd0c weirdness)
To: Mocha <>
From: Jason R Thorpe <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/08/2000 20:08:55
On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 09:52:49PM -0600, Mocha wrote:
> While we are on the topic of CCD, which is performs better and more
> stabble? ccd or raidframe?
Depends on what you want. ccd and raidframe are both perfectly reasonable
and stable for striping. But that's all ccd does (well, it also concatenates,
which raidframe *doesn't* do, but no one really uses that feature all that
much :-)
ccd is considerably smaller, so if all you need is striping, it's a pretty
good bet. It doesn't have the whizbang features like autoconfiguration,
etc., but it does stripe and does a pretty good job of it :-)
-- Jason R. Thorpe <>