Subject: upgrading 1.3.3 -> -current
To: None <>
From: Kevin <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/24/1999 18:36:50
just a few questions.

I have the current source sup'd as of yesterday, but many attempts at
building it have failed.  Probably because I'm not building the tools in
the right order, or some other crap.  Sorry I've been at this for fare to
many hours.  Is there a sure-fire set of instructions for upgrading from
1.3.3 -> current via source compile?  If there is, my many web and dejanews
searches have not found them.  

I have read in other posts that it is easier to get a current snapshot then
sup and compile the latest current from there.  On there is
a binary snapshot for current that is dated back in October.  Is there a
more recent version available on another site?

Is /usr/src/gnu required for a basic system?  My /usr/src filesystem is
kinda on the small side,(171megs) and i don't think I'll have the room to
do a full make build with the gnu sources thrown in there also.  


Kevin                      DOTFP

Trust the computer industry to shorten "Year 2000" to Y2K.
It was this kind of thinking that caused the problem in the first place.