Subject: updated ps commnd for snapshot kernel
To: None <>
From: Paul H. Anderson <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 10/06/1998 12:03:00
When I run ftp://ftp.NetBSD.ORG/pub/NetBSD/arch/alpha/misc/netbsd.gz on my
alphas, the ps command does not work: "ps: proc size mismatch (24544
total, 928 chunks)"... would anyone be willing to put a working 'ps' in
the same directory? That would help me out a bunch - thanks!
FWIW, this kernel is working _much_ better for me than the previous one (I
think 1.3.2 release). This is on a PC164LX machine.
| Paul Anderson Public Data Queries, Inc. |
| 734-213-4964(W) 994-3734(H) |