Subject: stability of multias with serial console
To: None <port-alpha@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Juergen Weiss <weiss@Uni-Mainz.DE>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/05/1998 18:10:36
A few days ago someone observed, that some alpha machines
are less stable in configurations with serial console
than with keyboard and framebuffer.

I made similar observations. The same disk of NetBSD with a
machine with keyboard and framebuffer gave a stable NetBSD
environment while with serial console I observed frequent
crashes -- sometimes during boot while ifconfiguring the network
interface (gives kernel output to console).

I uncommented the line 

makeoptions     LOADADDRESS="fffffc0000300000"

in the machine configuration file. Now the multia with serial
console runs quite stable without frequent crashes. Is there
a problem with memory allocation between NetBSD kernel and
srm console software?

By the way, srm version is 3.8-2.

Juergen Weiss

Juergen Weiss		| Universitaet Mainz, Zentrum f"ur Datenverarbeitung,      | 55099 Mainz, Tel: 06131/39-6361, FAX: 06131/39-6407