Subject: Re: Non-booting Multia
To: None <>
From: Wilko Bulte <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/08/1998 23:46:26
As Brian Cully wrote...
> On Jan 7, Tim Rightnour wrote:
> > Ack.. hate to tell you..  Firmware 3.8-3 does NOT netboot.. Believe
> > me, I spent about 40 hours screwing with it.. If you can get 3.8-2
> > do so.. and read the older posts on port-alpha..  You can see my
> > previous barrage of posts about it..
> Yeah, after I sent the mail I went through the port-alpha archives and
> found this out. I believe Wilko is looking for a copy of 3.8-2 around
> DEC, so there may be hope yet.

Yep, I am. Sofar without much luck. I now have plenty of copies of 3.8-3
being offered but that is it. I've put some requests on internal DEC-Notes
conferences, but since this is not exactly a hot product....

_     ______________________________________________________________________
 |   / o / /  _  Bulte email: wilko @
 |/|/ / / /( (_) Arnhem, The Netherlands - Do, or do not. There is no 'try'
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