Subject: Re: Multia Firmware
To: None <port-alpha@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Juergen Weiss <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/17/1997 10:07:28
Tim Rightnour writes:
> Anyhow.. It now attempts to load the kernel.. It tries all the different
> kernels, but for eachone says bootp/ io error
> netbsd: input/output error
A while ago we experimented with netbooting a multia. We used
the latest interim firmware from gatekeeper and several older
versions. The os loader was from NetBSD 1.2D.
The srm console is able to tftp the os loader. The loader
(treated with setnetboot) transmits bootp requests. The answer
is on the wire (controlled by tcpdump), but the loader never
gets a packet from the srm network device driver (we recompiled
the loader with debugging options).
Has really anybody successfully netbooted a multia with NetBSD?
Which firmware version and which OS version works?
Juergen Weiss
Juergen Weiss | Universitaet Mainz, Zentrum f"ur Datenverarbeitung, | 55099 Mainz, Tel: 06131/39-6361, FAX: 06131/39-6407