Subject: Re: Multia Firmware
To: Curt Sampson <>
From: Tim Atluru <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/08/1997 02:09:48
>under <>. If you run into problems,
>post exactly what you tried to do, and what happens, and I'll help
>you out.
Quick refresh: I am trying to net-boot a DEC Alpha Multia using a
FreeBSD server, TFTP, bootpd, and NFS. I am using NetBSD kernel,
userland, and toolkit from the 1.3_Alpha directory dated 19971027(?).
The Alpha reaches the point of telling me that my firmware may need to
be upgraded or I may need to rebuild the second stage boot loader using
setnetbootinfo. Given this I know everything is working to the point
of failure of the secondary loader.
My current firmware version...from startup message.
Multia SRM Console BL5 V3.8-3, built on Aug 10 1995 at 03:22:55
(hand typed, forgive errors)
I downloaded the 'interim' firmware, recovery, and readme files from
gatekeeper. I ran the firmware upgrade disk from ARC->supplementary
menu->upgrade firmware. The screen output looks right, including a
message saying it was successful. Durring this process the firmware
Multia SRM Console BL5 V3.8-36, built on Jan 12 1996 at 17:47:14
THis appears to go properly. The system auto-reboots and the start-up
message reverts to the V3.8-3 message. It clearly has not saved.
I tried (following the DEC readme) using the Failsafe Recovery disk.
THis is to fix a broken flash. It entails opening up the box, moving
a jumper, and having the Fail Safe disk in the drive at power on. It
then prompts for the Firmware upgrade disk and repeats the procedure.
Per the readme, I then power off, move the jumper back, and power on
again. It, once again, reverts to the V3.8-3 message.
I have followed the DEC readme.txt. I have read the NetBSD Alpha remote
boot howto. I have downloaded, printer, and read the DEC manual Multia
MultiClient Desktop Service Information, Third Edition, dated Oct, 1995,
DEC p/n EK-MULTS-IN.C01. Interestingly enough, it says, (Page 30):
"Do not select this menu item. This feature is not currently supported
by the Multia MultiClient Desktop."
I should also note that I tried just bringing the machine up with the
upgrade floppy in the drive. It runs, looks good, and reboots to the
old version.
I also recieved a DEC floppy with this box. It is labeled Firmware 4.3.3.
I suspect it is NT firmware but am not certain. running it in the same
manners described above yield the same results.
In!! Someone mentioned a jumper. I can't find such in the
docs other than as described above. I don't have another Alpha (or for
that matter another NetBSD box) to play with so I can't patch the boot
loader. I welcome any input.