Subject: Re: more info on Jensen bootp capability versus console firmware rev
To: Ross Harvey <>
From: Wilko Bulte <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/07/1997 23:51:52
As Ross Harvey wrote...
> >
> > *) Means I tried it myself
> >
> > Interestingly enough there are people that report that V2.0 works and
> > also people claiming it does not. I will try to obtain a FW CD containing
> > V2.0 firmware to verify this myself. This might prove difficult because
> > old CDs are likely to end in the dumpster.
> >
> > Wilko
> Hmm, it's possible that your results would apply to various old boxes,
> and not just the Jensen, but ISTM like you are using the update collection
> release numbers, and NOT the SRM console version number.
Your wish is my command: as you probably have received an earlier email
in which I list the results of a stack of FW CD revs. They include the
SRM rev # 'cause I found a number of CDs with multiple code revs on them ;-)
> If I'm right, then your info won't be of any use unless you list the
> version of of the SRM console instead of the version of the disk. For
> one thing, a given update disk can have several versions of SRM on it.
> For another thing, the SRM banner printed is the SRM version ("6.9" or
> something) and not the upgrade disk release number.
> And yeah, as I was politely informed, the old boxes forever seem to use
> the "old" console. I just put SRM 6.9 on our ancient but wierdly fast
My V3.9 CD has V7.0 SRM for DEC3000 machines on it.
> 3000/500 server and, sure enough, it's still the old style SRM.
Flamingo's ain't bad. The 256 bit memory is OK.
_ ______________________________________________________________________
| / o / / _ Bulte email:
|/|/ / / /( (_) Arnhem, The Netherlands - Do, or do not. There is no 'try'
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