Subject: Re: AXPpci33 and PCI<->PCI bridges
To: Matt Thomas <>
From: Ben Tober <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/09/1997 15:09:35
> The AXPpci33 is a fairly old design and during it's firmware development
> PPBs where just a gleam in some chip designer's eye.  Well, maybe not but
> you get the idea.  To add PPB support to the AXPpci33 firmware would be a
> significant development effort and due to relatively low volumes of AXPpci33
> board sold, it's not cost effective to due so.
> So it's highly unlikely that you'll ever PPB support for the AXPpci33.
> The EB164 and PC164 motherboards are recent to support PPBs...
Understood.  I am, however, dealing with hardware which was chosen long
ago and the choice of which cannot be changed at this time.  Not that it
matters for this particular project, but would you happen to know whether
the Multia is as PPB-stupid as the AXPpci33?