Subject: Re: panic: wscons_emul_attach: bogus location on 3000/900?
To: Chris G Demetriou <>
From: Tom I Helbekkmo <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/21/1996 15:40:23
On Fri, 15 Nov 1996, Chris G Demetriou wrote:
> I've built a kernel which includes short delays when accessing the SCC
> registers.
Our 3000/500 had _major_ problems with duplicated characters when running
off the GENERIC kernel in the 1.2 distribution. Upgrading it to a current
(as of about two or three weeks ago) kernel took care of it. It's been
well-behaved since.
While I'm writing: I'm running this box with SCSI disks mounted both
internally and externally. A few minutes ago, browsing the web pages for
the alpha port, I read that this will not work, and will cause data
loss. Am I misreading the warning, or am I being very, very lucky?