Subject: RE: quick UDB/Multia question
To: Jonathan Sturges <>
From: Michael VanLoon \(Exchange\) <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 09/20/1996 13:22:22
Time to get Dave Burgess a UDB... ;-)
From: Chris G Demetriou[]
Sent: Friday, September 20, 1996 9:50 AM
To: Jonathan Sturges
Subject: Re: quick UDB/Multia question=20
>> Could someone point me to a FAQ, if any, or would any Multia/UDB
>> be willing to answer a couple of questions in e-mail?
>There are some questions answered in the NetBSD/Alpha web pages (under
> If you find you still have
>unanswered questions, check the list archive for this list, then ask
>them here...
>That has the advantage that lots of multia users are on this list,
>_and_ the questions and answers go into the archive (and maybe on to a
>faq) to help new users later.