Subject: Re: SCSI in 1.6 ?
To: None <>
From: Jan-Uwe Finck <>
List: port-acorn32
Date: 08/04/2002 12:48:58
On Sun, Aug 04, 2002 at 11:37:34AM +0100, Chris Gilbert wrote:

> grr, gnats sucks, I'm not sure who's the port-arm32-maintainer but I suspect
> it might be just mark, so that it had been updated got missed.
It's Reinoud AFAIK.

> > Thus the Cumana-II driver should be simply activated, and the patch
> > from #13350 should be included, so people can try to install and use
> > their SCSI devices.
> is the patch still valid against -current?  (I've not tried to fight gnats
> to extract the patch yet)
Hmm, didn't try it, but it should, as there were no big changes AFAIR.

> > Both drivers seem to be stable enough.
> I hate to say it but the changes may make it into -current, but it's too
> late to get pulled into 1.6, would probably make it into 1.6.1 though

What a shame.. my fault, I should have told earlier..