Subject: Re: NetBSD/arm32 Installation Not Booting
To: Alan Milford <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: port-acorn32
Date: 02/01/2002 02:08:36
Hiya all, hiya Alan,

due to your installation problems and due to making NetBSD/acorn32's first 
official release for NetBSD 1.6, i've worked down the todo list of the 
installation process :

On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 10:13:04PM +0100, Reinoud Zandijk wrote:
> 1) download the install kernel "netbsd.INSTALL.gz", the required sets and
> !BtNetBSD
> 2) unzip `netbsd.INSTALL.gz'
> 3) boot this kernel by editing `!BtNetBSD.fastboot'
> 4) create the NetBSD partition table on the disk ... look for the docs
> please ; i haven't done it in ages i must admit :(
> 5) Boot !BtNetBSD
> 6) It loads the kernel, switches over to NetBSD, gives a detailed report on
> whats in the machine.....

OK ... this is still the same now ... dont think i can change a lot about
this though... maybe an install RiscOS app. that is just nothing more than
a small package containing the rest ? i.e. the INSTALL kernel, a !BtNetBSD
complete with a copy of a modified startscript to run the included INSTALL
kernel when the app is run ?

I just made this up now ... hmm.. good idea for it saves ppl.  to figure
these steps out of seach for them on the webpage. Maybe a few links and
explaination on the webpage could also be done ... hmmm....

> 6b) it stops due to a lacking TERM setting ...
> 7) use `export TERM=vt100'
> 8) restart sysinst

well this is not nessisary anymore ... these are fixed.

> 9) work trough the menus and fill stuff in ... there might be a problem 
> with the recognizing of the current disk layout ... but i hope to track 
> that too ...
> Don't be alarmed that it tries to install a `netbsd-SHARK.tgz' kernel :-/
> ... thats a bit messy i agree but its a copy of netbsd-GENERIC.tgz

The problem with the `current diskformat' is not tackled yet but the kernel
selection is now OK now ... note that `updating' an existing installation
works fine only starting from scratch while maintaining the current 
partitions is not possible yet.

> 10) _before_ you boot : check if /etc/ifconfig.* exists, *AND* check if 
> ttyv0 is added to /etc/ttys (just copy ttyE0 or so) since the GENERIC 
> kernel is using that or manually put the RPC_WSCONS kernel there and you'll 
> be OK :)

:-/ well euhm ... the installation program should exit normally now so all 
the config stuff should be there as well; i'm planning to check this 
monday. The ttyv0 issue is still there but i first need to see if Ben's 
Xserver can be used with this distribution. If that X server works fine we 
can even cut out the old vidc console completely by making the GENERIC 
console a WSCONS console and retaining the old vidcconsole for the multiple 
screens for ppl. who need them...

Ben, if you read this.... could you please distribute your X sets ? and/or
can someone please build an Xset on the ELF snapshot i will upload ? My
ARM7 RiscPC might take a week or so to build it :-/

> 11) /usr/include/acorn32 is _not_ there :( and thats a bummer ... maybe 
> i'll hack this in for the snapshot or add it in a seperate tgz file.

This is solved too ... 

> Phew... if you reach here you should have a working system !! I must agree 
> this fix suxs but lucky i have some time till 1.6 to make it right :) ... 
> steps 6b to 11 must be gone then :)

Ok! a few small steps and `steps' 6b to 11 are gone :) then i can focus 
more on fine tuning and completeness.
