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Re: please review wip/polarssl

Tim Larson <> writes:


> Any other comments?  If not, would someone kindly import it before Q4 branch?

I looked at and it seems mostly ok.

'make test' fails with many lines like

   - test_suite_pbkdf2
  Shared object "" not found

either with the package installed or without.

It seems the build system doesn't use autoconf/libtool and doesn't cope
with doing the things people who say autoconf is too compliated forget
about :-)

But serious, in tests/Makefile:
  LDFLAGS += -L../library -lpolarssl $(SYS_LDFLAGS)

there is no RPATH handling.

It doesn't seem fair to hold up import on this (instead of just
disabling the test target), since we don't require tests, but it seems

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