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Re: Please review wip/iodine

Moritz Wilhelmy <> writes:

> On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 21:23:50 +0200, Georg Schwarz wrote:
>> I just installed wip/iodine on MacOS.
>> I ended up like this:
>> ===> Install binary package of iodine-0.6.0rc1
>> $NetBSD$
>> An iodine user and an empty directory suitable for chrooting have been 
>> created
>> for your convenience.
>> imac:iodine schwarz$
>> I don't think that's true since I installed as an unprivileged user.
>> Is that text supposed to be shown on MacOS???
> I don't think so, however I believe that I'm not doing anything unusual.

If it's about installing users, I think that's about unprivileged
installs, not about MacOS.

> Feel free to commit fixes on Mac OS X, since I can't test them. It has
> been your package after all.

Sure, but the package has just a variable assignment for a user, so if
there's an issue it's in the framework.
> PS:  CC'ing the list again, maybe they can tell where PKG_USERS and
>      PKG_GROUPS should be set in order to prevent this from breaking.

I don't think it's broken.

> PPS: Sorry about "stealing" your package, but I figured you were gone
>      since there were no updates to the iodine package since 2010.

No worries, wip and pkgsrc are all about people collaborating to improve

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