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Re: Please review wip/fop

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 10:43:45PM +0100, Francois Tigeot wrote:
> It's only a packaging of the binary tarball from the ASF. It really 
> should be named fop-bin but I didnt want to have a different name from 
> the old package in textproc/
> There's no need to run java to install it.

The name is fine.
Please set the LICENSE.
Also it would be nice if bin/fop already set the JAVA_HOME environment
variable correctly. In my environment I get
        Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly.
          We cannot execute java
unless I run "JAVA_HOME=/usr/pkg/java/openjdk7 fop".

I also fixed some minor issues.
(Fix WRKSRC to use PKGNAME_NOREV; put option handling completely into; remove unnecessary inclusion of


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