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Imported wip/libmicro - Review

Hi list,

I just imported libmicro into WIP, and would like you to review it.

The package is simple, it is composed of different small benchmarks for 
POSIX environments.


LibMicro is a portable set of microbenchmarks that many Solaris 
engineers used during Solaris 10 development to measure the performance 
of various system and library calls. LibMicro was developed by Bart 
Smaalders and Phil Harman as part of their 'If Linux is faster it's a 
Solaris bug performance' campaign.

I used it under different platforms @work; I think that importing it 
into pkgsrc might ease comparison of different environments. I am 
personally about to use it to compare the overhead between kernels with 
and without SSP enabled.


Jean-Yves Migeon

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