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Re: pkgsrc NetBSD 6.0/x86_64 2013-06-05 09:18

"OBATA Akio" <> writes:

> On Mon, 10 Jun 2013 09:14:02 +0900, Jonathan Schleifer 
> <> wrote:
>> Am 10.06.2013 um 01:06 schrieb Krister Walfridsson:
>>> wip/objfw-git                      
>> Hm, I don't really get why it failed. Install worked fine, but package 
>> failed:
>>> => Creating binary package 
>>> /scratch/wip/objfw-git/work/.packages/objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz
>>> ===> Building binary package for objfw-gitnb20130608
>>> => Creating binary package 
>>> /dsk3/pbulk/packages/xen5/All/objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz
>>> /bin/ln -f /scratch/wip/objfw-git/work/.packages/objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz 
>>> /dsk3/pbulk/packages/xen5/All/objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz 2>/dev/null ||  
>>> /bin/cp -pf /scratch/wip/objfw-git/work/.packages/objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz 
>>> /dsk3/pbulk/packages/xen5/All/objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz
>>> pkg_add: no pkg found for 'objfw-gitnb20130605', sorry.
>>> pkg_add: 1 package addition failed
>> Why does it build objfw-gitnb20130608.tgz, but then tries to pkg_add 
>> objfw-gitnb20130605?
> Because of the differ of scan date and build date.

The package should have version nevetheless. Currently it is still
broken, even if though it builds for some.


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