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Re: wip/hplip3 usb device

Frédéric Fauberteau <> writes:

> Hi,
> Sorry if this is not the good place to ask this question.
> I've installed wip/hplip3 under NetBSD to manage an USB HP Photosmart 
> (All-in-One) printer. I must disable ulpt* and umass* in my kernel to 
> allow it to work. Otherwise, it is attached to these devices and hplip 
> seems to want to talk only to an ugen* device. It's a bit problematic to 
> disable umass storage to allow a printer to work.
> Somebody has already had an experience with an usb hp printer under 
> NetBSD ?

I'm not sure anyone has a better solution.   I would investigate making
the kernel not attach HP printer devices to umass, but not disable it
totally, but that's a non-trivial change.

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