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Re: jam instead of make

 >> There is no infrastructure support in place, so you'll need to build
 >> depend on jam and write your own build target.
 >> This should do the trick:
 >> do-build:
 >>     cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} jam
 >> You could create a wip/mk/ that defines common do-{build,install}
 >> rules if ${USE_JAM} is set to "yes".

> I'll take a look at handling the general case with a  (I
> presume pkgsrc/mk is full of examples of similar things.)  Depending,
> I may just get my package working and come back to it another time.

JFI: there are other packages that use jam for building.
Not too much information there though.

0 ~> pkg_online_find BUILD_DEPENDS:w:devel/jam
multimedia/handbrake      -   Multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder
wip/edelib                -   Libraries for Equinox Desktop
wip/lincity-ng            -   City Simulation Game
0 ~>

Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.

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