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Broken wip/ packages

The following is a list of problems in WIP.
If some of these packages are yours, please fix them.

Bad package wip/libxfce4gui, skipped
bmake: "/home/cheusov/pkgsrc/wip/libxfce4gui/./Makefile" line 3: Could not find 
bmake: "./../../wip/libxfce4util/./../../wip/libxfce4util/" line 
11: Could not find ../../wip/xfce4-dev-tools/
bmake: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
Bad package wip/libxfce4mcs, skipped
bmake: "/home/cheusov/pkgsrc/wip/libxfce4mcs/./Makefile" line 3: Could not find 
bmake: "./../../wip/libxfce4util/./../../wip/libxfce4util/" line 
11: Could not find ../../wip/xfce4-dev-tools/
bmake: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
Bad package wip/libxfce4menu, skipped
bmake: "/home/cheusov/pkgsrc/wip/libxfce4menu/./Makefile" line 3: Could not 
find ../../wip/xfce4/Makefile.common
bmake: "./../../wip/libxfce4util/./../../wip/libxfce4util/" line 
11: Could not find ../../wip/xfce4-dev-tools/
bmake: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
Bad package wip/libxfce4util, skipped
bmake: "/home/cheusov/pkgsrc/wip/libxfce4util/./Makefile" line 5: Could not 
find ../../wip/xfce4/Makefile.common
bmake: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
Bad package wip/py-DirectoryStorage, skipped
bmake: "/home/cheusov/pkgsrc/wip/py-DirectoryStorage/./Makefile" line 69: Could 
not find ../../databases/py-ZODB/
bmake: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
Bad package wip/kylix-openedition, skipped
     not existing dependancy: emulators/suse_gtk
Bad package wip/lxpanel, skipped
     not existing dependancy: new/menu-cache
Bad package wip/p5-AxKit, skipped
     not existing dependancy: devel/p5-Compress-Zlib
Bad package wip/p5-Text-Quote, skipped
     not existing dependancy: devel/p5-Compress-Zlib
Bad package wip/songwrite, skipped
     not existing dependancy: wip/py-EditObj
Bad package wip/spectrum, skipped
bmake: "/home/cheusov/pkgsrc/wip/spectrum/./Makefile" line 61: Could not find 
bmake: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
Bad package wip/vacuum, skipped
     not existing dependancy: devel/p5-Compress-Zlib
Bad package wip/py-weave, skipped
     not existing dependancy: wip/py-scipy_distutils
Bad package wip/py-weave, skipped
     not existing dependancy: wip/py-scipy_distutils
Bad package wip/py-weave, skipped
     not existing dependancy: wip/py-scipy_distutils
Bad package wip/slune, skipped
     not existing dependancy: wip/py-EditObj
Bad package wip/slune, skipped
     not existing dependancy: wip/py-EditObj
Bad package wip/slune, skipped
     not existing dependancy: wip/py-EditObj

Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.

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