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Re: nginx versions

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 02:50:17PM +0100, Filip Hajny wrote:
> I see these nginx versions in pkgsrc currently:
> www/nginx, version 0.5.35nb1
> wip/nginx, version 0.6.39
> wip/nginx-devel, version 0.7.16nb1
> Looking at the official site, www/nginx should be at 0.7.63, www/nginx- 
> devel at 0.8.21, and anything <0.7 gone really.

Probably because original submitter has MIA status. ;) Personally I'm
took care about wip/nginx (I have some installs with this versions and
don't want unnecessary version changes). In my TODO I have plans for
migrating wip/nginx to to wip/nginx6 (like www/apache*), maybe creating
wip/nginx7 and update ngnix-devel to 0.8, but feel free to make it in
Your way.

BTW: IMHO wip/nginx is, probably, most polished one.
BTW2: Versions 0.5.x and 0.6.x are still supported by author.

Piotr 'aniou' Meyer

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