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modular Xorg (was Re: CVS commit: wip/bigreqsproto)

On Sat, 6 Aug 2005, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

Log Message:
Import bigreqsproto -- BigReqs extension headers from modular Xorg X11.

This conflicts with xextensions which now appears to be split up into
some smaller packages.

This is from a release candidate of the modular Xorg X11.

I am getting started with importing into pkgsrc-wip modular Xorg X11. A release candidate is out and will be officially released soon.

If you have time, please consider helping. I need these packages done:


(I assume will be similar to the bigreqsproto I just committed.)

And then I need wip/xtrans and wip/libXau updated.

And a package for libXdmcp created. One problem with these libraries is that the download is versioned -0.99.0 so this needs to be fixed to use correct version.

 Jeremy C. Reed

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