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CVS commit: wip/celery

Module name:    wip
Committed by:   othyro
Date:           Tue Dec 31 14:24:55 UTC 2013

Modified Files:
        wip/celery: Makefile PLIST distinfo

Log Message:
Updated to latest release, 3.1.7. Fixed DEPENDS as per documentation. From
abriged Changelog:


Init script security improvements

Where the generic init scripts (for ``celeryd``, and ``celerybeat``) before
delegated the responsibility of dropping privileges to the target application,
it will now use ``su`` instead, so that the Python program is not trusted
with superuser privileges.

You have to upgrade the init scripts manually from this directory:

AMQP result backend

The 3.1 release accidentally left the amqp backend configured to be
non-persistent by default.

Upgrading from 3.0 would give a "not equivalent" error when attempting to
set or retrieve results for a task.  That is unless you manually set the
persistence setting::


This version restores the previous value so if you already forced
the upgrade by removing the existing exchange you must either
keep the configuration by setting ``CELERY_RESULT_PERSISTENT = False``
or delete the ``celeryresults`` exchange again.

- Now depends on :ref:`Kombu 3.0.8 <kombu:version-3.0.8>`.
- Now depends on :mod:`billiard`
- Events: Fixed compatibility with non-standard json libraries
  that sends float as :class:`decimal.Decimal` (Issue #1731)
- Events: State worker objects now always defines attributes:
  ``active``, ``processed``, ``loadavg``, ``sw_ident``, ``sw_ver``
  and ``sw_sys``.
- Worker: Now keeps count of the total number of tasks processed,
  not just by type (``all_active_count``).
- Init scripts:  Fixed problem with reading configuration file
  when the init script is symlinked to a runlevel (e.g. ``S02celeryd``).
  (Issue #1740).
- Fallback chord unlock task is now always called after the chord header
  (Issue #1700).
- Celery command: Fixed problem with arguments for some control commands.
- Fixed bug in ``utcoffset`` where the offset when in DST would be
  completely wrong (Issue #1743).
- Worker: Errors occurring while attempting to serialize the result of a
  task will now cause the task to be marked with failure and a
  :class:`kombu.exceptions.EncodingError` error.
- Worker with ``-B`` argument did not properly shut down the beat instance.
- Worker: The ``%n`` and ``%h`` formats are now also supported by the
  :option:`--logfile`, :option:`--pidfile` and :option:`--statedb` arguments.
- Redis/Cache result backends: Will now timeout if keys evicted while trying
  to join a chord.
- The fallbock unlock chord task now raises :exc:`Retry` so that the
  retry even is properly logged by the worker.
- Multi: Will no longer apply Eventlet/gevent monkey patches (Issue #1717).
- Redis result backend: Now supports UNIX sockets.
- Events: Events sent by clients was mistaken for worker related events
  (Issue #1714).
- Prefork pool: The method used to find terminated processes was flawed
  in that it did not also take into account missing popen objects.
- Canvas: ``group`` and ``chord`` now works with anon signatures as long
  as the group/chord object is associated with an app instance (Issue #1744).

- Fixed problem where Mingle caused the worker to hang at startup
  (Issue #1686).
- Beat: Would attempt to drop privileges twice (Issue #1708).
- Windows: Fixed error with ``geteuid`` not being available (Issue #1676).
- Tasks can now provide a list of expected error classes (Issue #1682).
- Cache result backend now compatible with Python 3 (Issue #1697).
- CentOS init script: Now compatible with sys-v style init symlinks.
- Events: Fixed problem when task name is not defined (Issue #1710).
- Task: Fixed unbound local errors (Issue #1684).
- Canvas: Now unrolls groups with only one task (optimization) (Issue #1656).
- Task: Fixed problem with eta and timezones.
- Django: Worker now performs model validation (Issue #1681).
- Task decorator now emits less confusing errors when used with
  incorrect arguments (Issue #1692).
- Task: New method ``Task.send_event`` can be used to send custom events
  to Flower and other monitors.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with non-abstract task classes
- Events from clients now uses new node name format (``gen<pid>@<hostname>``).
- Fixed rare bug with Callable not being defined at interpreter shutdown
  (Issue #1678).
- Fixed Python 2.6 compatibility (Issue #1679).

- App: ``config_from_object`` is now lazy (Issue #1665).
- App: ``autodiscover_tasks`` is now lazy.
- Fixed regression for ``--app`` argument experienced by
  some users (Issue #1653).
- Worker: Now respects the ``--uid`` and ``--gid`` arguments
  even if ``--detach`` is not enabled.
- Beat: Now respects the ``--uid`` and ``--gid`` arguments
  even if ``--detach`` is not enabled.
- Python 3: Fixed unorderable error occuring with the worker ``-B``
  argument enabled.
- ``celery.VERSION`` is now a named tuple.
- ``maybe_signature(list)`` is now applied recursively (Issue #1645).
- ``celery shell`` command: Fixed ``IPython.frontend`` deprecation warning.
- The default app no longer includes the builtin fixups.
    This fixes a bug where ``celery multi`` would attempt
    to load the Django settings module before entering
    the target working directory.
- The Django daemonization tutorial was changed.
- Redis result backend: expiry value can now be 0 (Issue #1661).
- Censoring settings now accounts for non-string keys (Issue #1663).
- App: New ``autofinalize`` option.
- The worker did not send monitoring events during shutdown.
- Worker: Mingle and gossip is now automatically disabled when
  used with an unsupported transport (Issue #1664).
- ``celery`` command:  Preload options now supports
  the rare ``--opt value`` format (Issue #1668).
- ``celery`` command: Accidentally removed options
  appearing before the subcommand, these are now moved to the end
- Worker now properly responds to ``inspect stats`` commands
  even if received before startup is complete (Issue #1659).
- :signal:`task_postrun` is now sent within a finally block, to make
  sure the signal is always sent.
- Beat: Fixed syntax error in string formatting.
- Fixed typos in the documentation.
- Nested chains now works properly when constructed using the
  ``chain`` type instead of the ``|`` operator (Issue #1656).

- Worker accidentally set a default socket timeout of 5 seconds.
- Django: Fixup now sets the default app so that threads will use
  the same app instance (e.g. for runserver).
- Worker: Fixed Unicode error crash at startup experienced by some users.
- Calling ``.apply_async`` on an empty chain now works again (Issue #1650).
- The ``celery multi show`` command now generates the same arguments
  as the start command does.
- The ``--app`` argument could end up using a module object instead
  of an app instance (with a resulting crash).
- Fixed a syntax error problem in the celerybeat init script.
- Tests now passing on PyPy 2.1 and 2.2.

- Fixed compatibility problem with Python 2.7.0 - 2.7.5 (Issue #1637)
- Worker: :option:`-B` argument accidentally closed files used
  for logging.
- Task decorated tasks now keep their docstring (Issue #1636)

- No longer needs the billiard C extension to be installed.
- The worker silently ignored task errors.
- Django: Fixed ``ImproperlyConfigured`` error raised
  when no database backend specified.
- Prefork pool: Now using ```` with ``memoryview``
  if available.
- ``close_open_fds`` now uses ``os.closerange`` if available.
- ``get_fdmax`` now takes value from ``sysconfig`` if possible.

- Python 3: Fixed compatibility issues.
- Windows:  Accidentally showed warning that the billiard C extension
  was not installed (Issue #1630).
- Django: Tutorial updated with a solution that sets a default
  :envvar:`DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` so that it doesn't have to be typed
  in with the :program:`celery` command.
    Also fixed typos in the tutorial, and added the settings
    required to use the Django database backend.
- Django: Fixed a problem when using the Django settings in Django 1.6.
- Django: Fixup should not be applied if the django loader is active.
- Worker:  Fixed attribute error for ``human_write_stats`` when using the
  compatibility prefork pool implementation.
- Worker: Fixed compatibility with billiard without C extension.
- Inspect.conf: Now supports a ``with_defaults`` argument.
- Group.restore: The backend argument was not respected.

To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs -z3 rdiff -u -r1.1 -r1.2 wip/celery/PLIST
cvs -z3 rdiff -u -r1.3 -r1.4 wip/celery/distinfo
cvs -z3 rdiff -u -r1.8 -r1.9 wip/celery/Makefile

To view a diff of this commit:

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
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