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doomlegacy-devel,flnews-devel: Renamed to *-snapshot

Module Name:	pkgsrc-wip
Committed By:	Michael Baeuerle <>
Pushed By:	micha
Date:		Mon Mar 24 11:12:33 2025 +0100
Changeset:	6caf6b17d1ea139c0f8b323d7c09841b52ac3914

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Removed Files:

Log Message:
doomlegacy-devel,flnews-devel: Renamed to *-snapshot

Suggested by gdt@.

To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=6caf6b17d1ea139c0f8b323d7c09841b52ac3914

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

 Makefile                                        |   4 +-
 doomlegacy-devel/DESCR                          |  23 --
 doomlegacy-devel/Makefile                       | 142 ------------
 doomlegacy-devel/PLIST                          |   9 -
 doomlegacy-devel/README                         |   2 -
 doomlegacy-devel/TODO                           |  55 -----
 doomlegacy-devel/distinfo                       |   7 -
 doomlegacy-devel/files/INSTALL.pkgsrc           |   6 -
 doomlegacy-devel/files/          | 279 ------------------------
 doomlegacy-devel/files/            |  12 -
 doomlegacy-devel/patches/patch-src_am__map.c    |  21 --
 doomlegacy-devel/patches/patch-src_z__zone.c    |  31 ---
 doomlegacy-snapshot/DESCR                       |  23 ++
 doomlegacy-snapshot/Makefile                    | 142 ++++++++++++
 doomlegacy-snapshot/PLIST                       |   9 +
 doomlegacy-snapshot/README                      |   2 +
 doomlegacy-snapshot/TODO                        |  55 +++++
 doomlegacy-snapshot/distinfo                    |   7 +
 doomlegacy-snapshot/files/INSTALL.pkgsrc        |   6 +
 doomlegacy-snapshot/files/       | 279 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doomlegacy-snapshot/files/         |  12 +
 doomlegacy-snapshot/patches/patch-src_am__map.c |  21 ++
 doomlegacy-snapshot/patches/patch-src_z__zone.c |  31 +++
 flnews-devel/COMMIT_MSG                         |   2 -
 flnews-devel/DESCR                              |  17 --
 flnews-devel/Makefile                           |  92 --------
 flnews-devel/PLIST                              |   9 -
 flnews-devel/README                             |   5 -
 flnews-devel/distinfo                           |   5 -
 flnews-devel/files/CONFIG                       | 207 ------------------
 flnews-devel/                         |  59 -----
 flnews-snapshot/COMMIT_MSG                      |   2 +
 flnews-snapshot/DESCR                           |  17 ++
 flnews-snapshot/Makefile                        |  92 ++++++++
 flnews-snapshot/PLIST                           |   9 +
 flnews-snapshot/README                          |   5 +
 flnews-snapshot/distinfo                        |   5 +
 flnews-snapshot/files/CONFIG                    | 207 ++++++++++++++++++
 flnews-snapshot/                      |  59 +++++
 39 files changed, 985 insertions(+), 985 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 6855c81039..c27f6f1d0f 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ SUBDIR+=	doctest
 SUBDIR+=	docviewer
 SUBDIR+=	dokuwiki
 SUBDIR+=	dolfin
-SUBDIR+=	doomlegacy-devel
+SUBDIR+=	doomlegacy-snapshot
 SUBDIR+=	doorman
 SUBDIR+=	dosbox-staging
 SUBDIR+=	dosbox-svn
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ SUBDIR+=	flimsel
 SUBDIR+=	flint
 SUBDIR+=	flintqs
 SUBDIR+=	flite2
-SUBDIR+=	flnews-devel
+SUBDIR+=	flnews-snapshot
 SUBDIR+=	flowblade
 SUBDIR+=	flpsed
 SUBDIR+=	fltk11
diff --git a/doomlegacy-devel/DESCR b/doomlegacy-devel/DESCR
deleted file mode 100644
index e7e8804fee..0000000000
--- a/doomlegacy-devel/DESCR
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-This is one of the most popular Doom source ports.
-It enhances Doom with things like:
-- Free Look
-- OpenGL renderer
-- Heretic support,
-- TCP/IP networking
-and much more.
-Doom Legacy can play Doom, Boom, Marine's Best Friend (MBF), and Heretic maps.
-In addition to the original games by id Software and Raven Software, there are
-hundreds of free, fan-made maps available on the Internet. These maps are
-typically distributed as PWAD files, which are not fully self-contained.
-For each game you will also need the corresponding IWAD data file, which
-contains all the graphics, wall and floor textures, sounds, and music for that
-game. For example, if you want to play Doom II maps, you'll need the IWAD file
-doom2.wad, or one of the free replacements.
-Legacy has implemented the fundamental and de-facto-standard Boom extensions,
-and the Marine's Best Friend (MBF) extensions. Legacy also has implemented
-among other things 3D floors, swimmable water and other special effects using
-extended linedef codes, and supports the FraggleScript scripting language.
-This package contains the SDL1 build of Doom Legacy.
diff --git a/doomlegacy-devel/Makefile b/doomlegacy-devel/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index c0a3a809ad..0000000000
--- a/doomlegacy-devel/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-# $NetBSD$
-VERS=		1.48.16
-#PKGNAME=	doomlegacy-${VERS}
-SVNVERS=	1713
-DISTNAME=	doomlegacy-devel-0r${SVNVERS}
-DISTFILES=			doomlegacy_${VERS}
-SVN_REPOSITORIES=		legacy_one
-SVN_REPO.legacy_one=		svn://
-SVN_REVISION.legacy_one=	${SVNVERS}
-SVN_EXTRACTDIR.legacy_one=	doomlegacy-devel-0r${SVNVERS}
-COMMENT=		The legacy of Doom
-LICENSE=		gnu-gpl-v2
-CONFLICTS+=		doomlegacy-[0-9]*
-#GCC_REQD+=		10
-# Tested on Linux/ppc (32bit Big Endian) and NetBSD/amd64 (64bit Little Endian)
-# Untested: In general the source code has support for the other listed OS too
-ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM=	Darwin-*-* DragonFly-*-* FreeBSD-*-* Linux-*-* \
-			NetBSD-*-* OpenBSD-*-* SunOS-*-*
-USE_TOOLS+=		gmake
-# Dependency generation fails with parallel build
-.include "../../wip/mk/"
-.include "../../mk/"
-.include "../../mk/"
-.if ${OPSYS} == "FreeBSD" || ${OPSYS} == "DragonFly"
-.elif ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD"
-.elif ${OPSYS} == "Darwin"
-# Other Unix (should work for GNU/Linux, OpenBSD and SunOS)
-LDFLAGS.SunOS+=		-lresolv -lsocket -lnsl
-.if ${MACHINE_ENDIAN} == "big"
-# Some compilers define this themselves (but maybe not all)
-# Required by extended node patch for ZDoom compressed node format
-LDFLAGS+=		-lz
-# DOOMWADDIR is intentionally shared with other Doom packages
-DOOMWADDIR=		share/doom
-INSTALLATION_DIRS=	bin ${PKGMANDIR}/man6 share/doc/doomlegacy ${DOOMWADDIR}
-# Configure to honor environment and disable ZIP support on GNU/Linux
-# Use native CPU architecture
-SUBST_CLASSES+=		makeopt
-SUBST_STAGE.makeopt=	do-configure
-SUBST_MESSAGE.makeopt=	Preparing make_options file ...
-SUBST_FILES.makeopt=	make_options
-SUBST_SED.makeopt+=	-e 's,\# ARCH=-march=native,ARCH=-march=native,'
-SUBST_SED.makeopt+=	-e 's,ARCH=-march=i686,\# ARCH=-march=native,'
-# Enable debug build
-#SUBST_SED.makeopt+=	-e 's,\# DEBUG=1,DEBUG=1,'
-# Add debug symbols only (less performance impact than DEBUG build above)
-CFLAGS+=		-g
-# Configure defaults for LEGACYWADDIR and DOOMWADDIR
-SUBST_CLASSES+=		doomdef
-SUBST_STAGE.doomdef=	do-configure
-SUBST_MESSAGE.doomdef=	Preparing doomdef.h file ...
-SUBST_FILES.doomdef=	src/doomdef.h
-SUBST_SED.doomdef=	-e 's,LEGACYWADDIR  "/usr/local/share/games/doomlegacy",LEGACYWADDIR  "${PREFIX}/${DOOMWADDIR}",g'
-SUBST_SED.doomdef+=	-e 's,DEFWADS01  "~/games/doomlegacy/wads",DEFWADS01  "${PREFIX}/${DOOMWADDIR}",'
-# Configure INSTALL.pkgsrc (formerly displayed as MESSAGE)
-SUBST_CLASSES+=		install
-SUBST_STAGE.install=	do-configure
-SUBST_MESSAGE.install=	Preparing INSTALL.pkgsrc file ...
-SUBST_FILES.install=	${WRKDIR}/INSTALL.pkgsrc
-	cd ${WRKSRC} && ${CP} make_options_nix make_options
-# Move configure options and process manpage template
-	cd ${WRKDIR} && ${SED} -e 's,$$PREFIX,${PREFIX},'		\
- >doomlegacy
-	cd ${WRKDIR} && ${SED} -e 's,$$NAME,doomlegacy,g'		\
-		-e 's,$$VERSION,${VERS},g'				\
-		-e 's,$$WADDIR,${PREFIX}/${DOOMWADDIR},g'		\
- >doomlegacy.6
-	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/bin/doomlegacy			\
-		${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/doomlegacy.bin
-	${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/doomlegacy				\
-		${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/doomlegacy
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/doomlegacy_${VERS}_common/dogs.wad	\
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/doomlegacy_${VERS}_common/legacy.wad	\
-		${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${DOOMWADDIR}/legacy.wad
-	cd ${WRKSRC} &&							\
-		${INSTALL_DATA} docs/legacy.css docs/whatsnew.html	\
-			${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/doomlegacy
-		${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/doomlegacy/INSTALL.pkgsrc
-	${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKDIR}/doomlegacy.6				\
-# Ensure that at least the shareware Episode 1 of Doom is available
-DEPENDS+=		doom1-[0-9]*:../../games/doom1
-BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.zlib+=			zlib>=1.2.3
-.include "../../devel/zlib/"
-BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.SDL_mixer+=		SDL_mixer>=1.2.7
-.include "../../audio/SDL_mixer/"
-.include "../../devel/SDL/"
-.include "../../mk/"
diff --git a/doomlegacy-devel/PLIST b/doomlegacy-devel/PLIST
deleted file mode 100644
index f3bdd742c8..0000000000
--- a/doomlegacy-devel/PLIST
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-@comment $NetBSD$
diff --git a/doomlegacy-devel/README b/doomlegacy-devel/README
deleted file mode 100644
index d9a4c33526..0000000000
--- a/doomlegacy-devel/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Development snapshot.
-Not intended for import.
diff --git a/doomlegacy-devel/TODO b/doomlegacy-devel/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c9da07027..0000000000
--- a/doomlegacy-devel/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-Features and bug fixes up to Part 26 were released with version 1.48.14
-(SVN revision 1660).
-Part 27: Some bossactions are not Vanilla-compatible
-[X] Player stuck in Atonement (map 01)
-    => Reported upstream in bug ticket #690
-    Proposed patch may break existing WAD files.
-Part 28: Viewfit setting "Fit_Height" does not work correctly
-[X] Flats are rendered wrong
-    Setting "Fit_Width" and "Stretch" are not affected.
-    => Reported upstream in bug ticket #692
-    => Fixed with SVN revision 1667
-Part 29: Bossaction problem with enabled MBF21
-[X] Ultimate Doom map E2M8 does not end after Cyberdemon was killed
-    => Reported in bug ticket #693
-    => Fixed with release 1.48.16
-Features and bug fixes up to Part 29 were released with version 1.48.16
-(SVN revision 1704).
-Part 30: Savegame sync problem with format 1.49
-[X] Game can be saved with new format 1.49, but not loaded again
-    Error message: "Legacy save game sync error"
-    => Added pkgsrc patch
-    => Reported in bug ticket #696
-    => Removed pkgsrc patch
-    => Fixed with SVN revision 1710
-Part 31: Problem with melee attack
-[X] No damage to the player
-    => Reported in bug ticket #697
-    => Fixed with SVN revision1713
-Part 32: Most MBF21 maps crash the engine
-[ ] Segmentation fault
-    => Reported in bug ticket #698
diff --git a/doomlegacy-devel/distinfo b/doomlegacy-devel/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index da435a5966..0000000000
--- a/doomlegacy-devel/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-BLAKE2s ( = 45f00f88cdda87766a45b3545d2d04a5cc6307c912a76d4c4e4d40c02feb7501
-SHA512 ( = 250d3ffec9124220e96bea6136704bfa77cfe714d2dc16249af08e48e099942c6470ff9799b3b9d40fa284912763c45e2a17c26177da248654773b03b04f69d9
-Size ( = 1066414 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-src_am__map.c) = 14b3c8b70c63778ad043827ab2f0b6f4fe07bcde
-SHA1 (patch-src_z__zone.c) = 13f4ff4a4af836f62779544b72e83b9eb109f7a5
diff --git a/doomlegacy-devel/files/INSTALL.pkgsrc b/doomlegacy-devel/files/INSTALL.pkgsrc
deleted file mode 100644
index b589e67bef..0000000000
--- a/doomlegacy-devel/files/INSTALL.pkgsrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-The location of the doomlegacy WAD directory has been set to:
-This is the pkgsrc standard Doom WAD directory location (shared with other
-Doom packages).
diff --git a/doomlegacy-devel/files/ b/doomlegacy-devel/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index c936660f64..0000000000
--- a/doomlegacy-devel/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-.\" Header
-.\" Copyright (c) 2019-2022 by Michael Baeuerle.
-.\" License: GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL)
-.TH $NAME 6 2022-12-19 Unix "$NAME $VERSION manual"
-.\" NAME section
-Doom Legacy
-.\" SYNOPSIS section
-[-opengl] [-iwad xxx.wad] [-file pwad1.wad [pwad2.wad ...]]
-[-h [g|m|c|s|d|D] | --version]
-.\" DESCRIPTION section
-The following information is quoted from Reference Manual:
-Doom Legacy can play Doom, Boom, Marine's Best Friend (MBF), and Heretic maps.
-In addition to the original games by id Software and Raven Software, there are
-hundreds of free, fan-made maps available on the Internet. These maps are
-typically distributed as PWAD files, which are not fully self-contained.
-For each game you will also need the corresponding IWAD data file, which
-contains all the graphics, wall and floor textures, sounds, and music for that
-game. For example, if you want to play Doom II maps, you'll need the IWAD file
-doom2.wad, or one of the free replacements.
-Legacy has implemented the fundamental and de-facto-standard Boom extensions,
-and the Marine's Best Friend (MBF) extensions. Legacy also has implemented
-among other things 3D floors, swimmable water and other special effects using
-extended linedef codes, and supports the FraggleScript scripting language.
-Legacy includes two different graphics engines, the old Doom software renderer
-(with many improvements) and an OpenGL-based hardware renderer.
-The OpenGL renderer is shinier and has fancier effects than the software one,
-but it does not do everything that the software renderer does. It does have
-coronas, explosion light, and other light effects that the software renderer
-does not do.
-Some wads rely upon violating wad rules to get trick effects. Most rely upon
-tricking the software renderer into not drawing something. Using those wads
-with the OpenGL renderer you will see holes in the floor and ceiling, and
-warning messges about polygons.
-The first game console we know of was from id Software's game Quake.
-We have been inspired by it and have tried to implement the same functionality
-for the benefit of Quake/Doom fans.
-Since Legacy 1.2, the network part of Doom has been totally rewritten.
-It now uses a better transfer method for the packets, (which is usually faster),
-and also implements a basic Client/Server model, where some critical game
-options are changeable only by the server in multiplayer games. Since the
-network communication is faster, we have upped the maximum number of players to
-.\" OPTIONS section
-.TP 25
-.BI -config " file
-Set the configfile to use.
-Default: config.cfg
-.BI -deh " file [file ...]
-Load one or more DEH (DeHackEd) files or BEX files, which can change monster
-abilities and game text.
-.BI -dehthing " name
-Supported DEH translations: legacy, boom, prboom, ee.
-.BI -file " file [file ...]
-Set PWAD (Patch WAD) files to use.
-.BI -game " mode
-Forces a particular game mode to be used.
-Examples for mode: doom, doomu, doom2, heretic
-(See Reference Manual for complete table)
-.BI -h " [section]
-Print help. An optional section can be specified for details.
-.BI -home " directory
-Home directory location, where your configfiles and savegames are kept.
-.BI -iwad " file
-Set the main IWAD (Internal WAD) file to use.
-This also determines the game mode when -game is not used.
-.BI -noendtext
-Suppress the game EndText screen, which could disrupt some terminal emulations
-because of the special character attributes used.
-.RS 25
-For encoding of EndText data see config.cfg file entry textout.
-Supported values: Off, Vanilla, UTF8.
-.TP 25
-.BI -opengl
-Hardware accelerated rendering using the OpenGL library.
-Will use hardware acceleration for OpenGL if available.
-If the video card does not have OpenGL hardware acceleration then it will use
-the OpenGL emulation in software, which is very slow.
-.BI --version
-Print version and build date.
-.BI -warp " num
-Select the map, start game immediately.
-In DoomII, -warp 13 will goto MAP13.
-In Ultimate Doom, -warp 1 3 will goto E1M3.
-See Reference Manual for a complete options list.
-.\" ENVIRONMENT section
-.TP 25
-X display to use. More information about X can be found in
-.BR X (7).
-This environment variable defines a path where WAD files are located.
-The default is $WADDIR.
-This variable indicates your home directory.
-This variable contains your username, is used as the default value for your
-player name in multiplayer games.
-.\" FILES section
-.TP 25
-.B ~/.doomlegacy/config.cfg
-Default configuration file.
-.B ~/.doomlegacy/glconfig.cfg
-Default configuration file for OpenGL mode.
-.B ~/.doomlegacy/doomsav*.dsg
-Saved game states.
-.\" NOTES section
-If you get no MIDI music, ensure that SDL_mixer has a working MIDI synthesizer
-available. If you use timidity, check that instruments are installed (e.g.
-.IP \(bu 3
-Thanks to id Software of course, for creating the greatest game of all time!
-.IP \(bu 3
-To Raven Software, for Heretic and Hexen!
-.IP \(bu 3
-Chi Hoang for DosDoom which got us started.
-.IP \(bu 3
-Bell Kin for porting Doom Legacy to Linux.
-.IP \(bu 3
-Stephane Dierickx for the two pictures in the laucher and the help screen of
-.IP \(bu 3
-Sebastien Bacquet for Qmus2mid.
-.IP \(bu 3
-Simon Howard for FraggleScript.
-.IP \(bu 3
-TeamTNT for Boom.
-.IP \(bu 3
-Steven McGranahan and Robert Baeuml for their large contributions.
-.IP \(bu 3
-To all of you who send us ideas and bug reports, thank you!
-.\" AUTHORS section
-Original game by id Software.
-Heretic by Raven Software.
-Doom Legacy by Fabrice Denis, Boris Pereira and Thierry Van Elsuwe.
-Maintained by the Doom Legacy Team since 2001.
-Man page for pkgsrc by Michael Baeuerle.
-.\" BUGS section
-.\" .SH BUGS
-.\" EXAMPLES section
-Start the shareware Episode 1 of Doom:
-$ $NAME
-For the following examples you need the original WAD files of the games
-(copy them to $WADDIR or set DOOMWADDIR to the desired location).
-Start Doom and use the OpenGL renderer:
-$ $NAME -opengl -iwad doom.wad
-Start Doom II:
-$ $NAME -iwad doom2.wad
-Start Sigil (Doom Episode 5) in compatibility mode as Episode 3:
-$ $NAME -game doomu -iwad doomu.wad -file SIGIL_COMPAT.wad
-Start Heretic:
-$ $NAME -iwad heretic.wad
-.\" SEE ALSO section
-.BR timidity (1),
-.BR X (7)
-.\" EOF
diff --git a/doomlegacy-devel/files/ b/doomlegacy-devel/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bff891517..0000000000
--- a/doomlegacy-devel/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Start script for doomlegacy
-# The option "-no_launcher" doesn't exist, but disables the launcher
-# (this method was suggested by upstream).
-$PREFIX/bin/doomlegacy.bin -no_launcher $@
-# EOF
diff --git a/doomlegacy-devel/patches/patch-src_am__map.c b/doomlegacy-devel/patches/patch-src_am__map.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 25fad3db2d..0000000000
--- a/doomlegacy-devel/patches/patch-src_am__map.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Set automap "zoom in" key to '+'.
-This patch was rejected upstream, because it works for my german keyboard
-but not for any other layout (patch is as broken as the original code).
---- src/am_map.c.orig	2018-07-16 09:17:06.000000000 +0000
-+++ src/am_map.c
-@@ -118,7 +118,9 @@ static byte DWHITE      =    (256-47);
--#define AM_ZOOMINKEY    '='
-+// The documentation specify '+'
-+//#define AM_ZOOMINKEY    '='
-+#define AM_ZOOMINKEY    '+'
- #define AM_ZOOMOUTKEY   '-'
- #define AM_STARTKEY     KEY_TAB
- #define AM_ENDKEY       KEY_TAB
diff --git a/doomlegacy-devel/patches/patch-src_z__zone.c b/doomlegacy-devel/patches/patch-src_z__zone.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f36560a8f..0000000000
--- a/doomlegacy-devel/patches/patch-src_z__zone.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Use heap of OS instead of Doom zone memory.
---- src/z_zone.c.orig	2023-02-10 15:51:01.000000000 +0000
-+++ src/z_zone.c
-@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
- // When the user writes out-of-bounds of malloced region it will do a sigsegv.
- // It does not use the tags, cannot recover PU_CACHE, PU_LEVEL, etc. memory.
- // Uses the most memory of all choices.
--//#define PLAIN_MALLOC
-+#define PLAIN_MALLOC
- // [WDJ] Combination of malloc and tags.
- // Does malloc from heap, so will grow from heap as use increases.
-@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@
- // allocations from it.
- // Has a command line option to set the zone block size ( -mb <int> ).
- // It also has some conditional experimental code.
--#define ZONE_ZALLOC
-+//#define ZONE_ZALLOC
- // Grows the initial allocation block when it runs out of memory.
- // Runs in the smallest memory of all the choices.
- // Uses tags, and recovers PU_CACHE and PU_LEVEL memory first.
- // Applied as an option to ZONE_ZALLOC.
--#define GROW_ZONE
-+//#define GROW_ZONE
- // Aggressively purges any PU_CACHE, clearing cache faster.
- // This stresses the memory system more, testing user code to not
diff --git a/doomlegacy-snapshot/DESCR b/doomlegacy-snapshot/DESCR
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7e8804fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doomlegacy-snapshot/DESCR
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+This is one of the most popular Doom source ports.
+It enhances Doom with things like:
+- Free Look
+- OpenGL renderer
+- Heretic support,
+- TCP/IP networking
+and much more.
+Doom Legacy can play Doom, Boom, Marine's Best Friend (MBF), and Heretic maps.
+In addition to the original games by id Software and Raven Software, there are
+hundreds of free, fan-made maps available on the Internet. These maps are
+typically distributed as PWAD files, which are not fully self-contained.
+For each game you will also need the corresponding IWAD data file, which
+contains all the graphics, wall and floor textures, sounds, and music for that
+game. For example, if you want to play Doom II maps, you'll need the IWAD file
+doom2.wad, or one of the free replacements.
+Legacy has implemented the fundamental and de-facto-standard Boom extensions,
+and the Marine's Best Friend (MBF) extensions. Legacy also has implemented
+among other things 3D floors, swimmable water and other special effects using
+extended linedef codes, and supports the FraggleScript scripting language.
+This package contains the SDL1 build of Doom Legacy.
diff --git a/doomlegacy-snapshot/Makefile b/doomlegacy-snapshot/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0a3a809ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doomlegacy-snapshot/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# $NetBSD$
+VERS=		1.48.16
+#PKGNAME=	doomlegacy-${VERS}
+SVNVERS=	1713
+DISTNAME=	doomlegacy-devel-0r${SVNVERS}
+DISTFILES=			doomlegacy_${VERS}
+SVN_REPOSITORIES=		legacy_one
+SVN_REPO.legacy_one=		svn://
+SVN_REVISION.legacy_one=	${SVNVERS}
+SVN_EXTRACTDIR.legacy_one=	doomlegacy-devel-0r${SVNVERS}
+COMMENT=		The legacy of Doom
+LICENSE=		gnu-gpl-v2
+CONFLICTS+=		doomlegacy-[0-9]*
+#GCC_REQD+=		10
+# Tested on Linux/ppc (32bit Big Endian) and NetBSD/amd64 (64bit Little Endian)
+# Untested: In general the source code has support for the other listed OS too
+ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM=	Darwin-*-* DragonFly-*-* FreeBSD-*-* Linux-*-* \
+			NetBSD-*-* OpenBSD-*-* SunOS-*-*
+USE_TOOLS+=		gmake
+# Dependency generation fails with parallel build
+.include "../../wip/mk/"
+.include "../../mk/"
+.include "../../mk/"
+.if ${OPSYS} == "FreeBSD" || ${OPSYS} == "DragonFly"
+.elif ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD"
+.elif ${OPSYS} == "Darwin"
+# Other Unix (should work for GNU/Linux, OpenBSD and SunOS)
+LDFLAGS.SunOS+=		-lresolv -lsocket -lnsl
+.if ${MACHINE_ENDIAN} == "big"
+# Some compilers define this themselves (but maybe not all)
+# Required by extended node patch for ZDoom compressed node format
+LDFLAGS+=		-lz
+# DOOMWADDIR is intentionally shared with other Doom packages
+DOOMWADDIR=		share/doom
+INSTALLATION_DIRS=	bin ${PKGMANDIR}/man6 share/doc/doomlegacy ${DOOMWADDIR}
+# Configure to honor environment and disable ZIP support on GNU/Linux
+# Use native CPU architecture
+SUBST_CLASSES+=		makeopt
+SUBST_STAGE.makeopt=	do-configure
+SUBST_MESSAGE.makeopt=	Preparing make_options file ...
+SUBST_FILES.makeopt=	make_options
+SUBST_SED.makeopt+=	-e 's,\# ARCH=-march=native,ARCH=-march=native,'
+SUBST_SED.makeopt+=	-e 's,ARCH=-march=i686,\# ARCH=-march=native,'
+# Enable debug build
+#SUBST_SED.makeopt+=	-e 's,\# DEBUG=1,DEBUG=1,'
+# Add debug symbols only (less performance impact than DEBUG build above)
+CFLAGS+=		-g
+# Configure defaults for LEGACYWADDIR and DOOMWADDIR
+SUBST_CLASSES+=		doomdef
+SUBST_STAGE.doomdef=	do-configure
+SUBST_MESSAGE.doomdef=	Preparing doomdef.h file ...
+SUBST_FILES.doomdef=	src/doomdef.h
+SUBST_SED.doomdef=	-e 's,LEGACYWADDIR  "/usr/local/share/games/doomlegacy",LEGACYWADDIR  "${PREFIX}/${DOOMWADDIR}",g'
+SUBST_SED.doomdef+=	-e 's,DEFWADS01  "~/games/doomlegacy/wads",DEFWADS01  "${PREFIX}/${DOOMWADDIR}",'
+# Configure INSTALL.pkgsrc (formerly displayed as MESSAGE)
+SUBST_CLASSES+=		install
+SUBST_STAGE.install=	do-configure
+SUBST_MESSAGE.install=	Preparing INSTALL.pkgsrc file ...
+SUBST_FILES.install=	${WRKDIR}/INSTALL.pkgsrc
+	cd ${WRKSRC} && ${CP} make_options_nix make_options
+# Move configure options and process manpage template
+	cd ${WRKDIR} && ${SED} -e 's,$$PREFIX,${PREFIX},'		\
+ >doomlegacy
+	cd ${WRKDIR} && ${SED} -e 's,$$NAME,doomlegacy,g'		\
+		-e 's,$$VERSION,${VERS},g'				\
+		-e 's,$$WADDIR,${PREFIX}/${DOOMWADDIR},g'		\
+ >doomlegacy.6
+	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/bin/doomlegacy			\
+		${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/doomlegacy.bin
+	${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/doomlegacy				\
+		${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/doomlegacy
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/doomlegacy_${VERS}_common/dogs.wad	\
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/doomlegacy_${VERS}_common/legacy.wad	\
+		${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${DOOMWADDIR}/legacy.wad
+	cd ${WRKSRC} &&							\
+		${INSTALL_DATA} docs/legacy.css docs/whatsnew.html	\
+			${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/doomlegacy
+		${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/doomlegacy/INSTALL.pkgsrc
+	${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKDIR}/doomlegacy.6				\
+# Ensure that at least the shareware Episode 1 of Doom is available
+DEPENDS+=		doom1-[0-9]*:../../games/doom1
+BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.zlib+=			zlib>=1.2.3
+.include "../../devel/zlib/"
+BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.SDL_mixer+=		SDL_mixer>=1.2.7
+.include "../../audio/SDL_mixer/"
+.include "../../devel/SDL/"
+.include "../../mk/"
diff --git a/doomlegacy-snapshot/PLIST b/doomlegacy-snapshot/PLIST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3bdd742c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doomlegacy-snapshot/PLIST
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+@comment $NetBSD$
diff --git a/doomlegacy-snapshot/README b/doomlegacy-snapshot/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9a4c33526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doomlegacy-snapshot/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Development snapshot.
+Not intended for import.
diff --git a/doomlegacy-snapshot/TODO b/doomlegacy-snapshot/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c9da07027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doomlegacy-snapshot/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Features and bug fixes up to Part 26 were released with version 1.48.14
+(SVN revision 1660).
+Part 27: Some bossactions are not Vanilla-compatible
+[X] Player stuck in Atonement (map 01)
+    => Reported upstream in bug ticket #690
+    Proposed patch may break existing WAD files.
+Part 28: Viewfit setting "Fit_Height" does not work correctly
+[X] Flats are rendered wrong
+    Setting "Fit_Width" and "Stretch" are not affected.
+    => Reported upstream in bug ticket #692
+    => Fixed with SVN revision 1667
+Part 29: Bossaction problem with enabled MBF21
+[X] Ultimate Doom map E2M8 does not end after Cyberdemon was killed
+    => Reported in bug ticket #693
+    => Fixed with release 1.48.16
+Features and bug fixes up to Part 29 were released with version 1.48.16
+(SVN revision 1704).
+Part 30: Savegame sync problem with format 1.49
+[X] Game can be saved with new format 1.49, but not loaded again
+    Error message: "Legacy save game sync error"
+    => Added pkgsrc patch
+    => Reported in bug ticket #696
+    => Removed pkgsrc patch
+    => Fixed with SVN revision 1710
+Part 31: Problem with melee attack
+[X] No damage to the player
+    => Reported in bug ticket #697
+    => Fixed with SVN revision1713
+Part 32: Most MBF21 maps crash the engine
+[ ] Segmentation fault
+    => Reported in bug ticket #698
diff --git a/doomlegacy-snapshot/distinfo b/doomlegacy-snapshot/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da435a5966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doomlegacy-snapshot/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+BLAKE2s ( = 45f00f88cdda87766a45b3545d2d04a5cc6307c912a76d4c4e4d40c02feb7501
+SHA512 ( = 250d3ffec9124220e96bea6136704bfa77cfe714d2dc16249af08e48e099942c6470ff9799b3b9d40fa284912763c45e2a17c26177da248654773b03b04f69d9
+Size ( = 1066414 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-src_am__map.c) = 14b3c8b70c63778ad043827ab2f0b6f4fe07bcde
+SHA1 (patch-src_z__zone.c) = 13f4ff4a4af836f62779544b72e83b9eb109f7a5
diff --git a/doomlegacy-snapshot/files/INSTALL.pkgsrc b/doomlegacy-snapshot/files/INSTALL.pkgsrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b589e67bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doomlegacy-snapshot/files/INSTALL.pkgsrc
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+The location of the doomlegacy WAD directory has been set to:
+This is the pkgsrc standard Doom WAD directory location (shared with other
+Doom packages).
diff --git a/doomlegacy-snapshot/files/ b/doomlegacy-snapshot/files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c936660f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doomlegacy-snapshot/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+.\" Header
+.\" Copyright (c) 2019-2022 by Michael Baeuerle.
+.\" License: GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL)
+.TH $NAME 6 2022-12-19 Unix "$NAME $VERSION manual"
+.\" NAME section
+Doom Legacy
+.\" SYNOPSIS section
+[-opengl] [-iwad xxx.wad] [-file pwad1.wad [pwad2.wad ...]]
+[-h [g|m|c|s|d|D] | --version]
+.\" DESCRIPTION section
+The following information is quoted from Reference Manual:
+Doom Legacy can play Doom, Boom, Marine's Best Friend (MBF), and Heretic maps.
+In addition to the original games by id Software and Raven Software, there are
+hundreds of free, fan-made maps available on the Internet. These maps are
+typically distributed as PWAD files, which are not fully self-contained.
+For each game you will also need the corresponding IWAD data file, which
+contains all the graphics, wall and floor textures, sounds, and music for that
+game. For example, if you want to play Doom II maps, you'll need the IWAD file
+doom2.wad, or one of the free replacements.
+Legacy has implemented the fundamental and de-facto-standard Boom extensions,
+and the Marine's Best Friend (MBF) extensions. Legacy also has implemented
+among other things 3D floors, swimmable water and other special effects using
+extended linedef codes, and supports the FraggleScript scripting language.
+Legacy includes two different graphics engines, the old Doom software renderer
+(with many improvements) and an OpenGL-based hardware renderer.
+The OpenGL renderer is shinier and has fancier effects than the software one,
+but it does not do everything that the software renderer does. It does have
+coronas, explosion light, and other light effects that the software renderer
+does not do.
+Some wads rely upon violating wad rules to get trick effects. Most rely upon
+tricking the software renderer into not drawing something. Using those wads
+with the OpenGL renderer you will see holes in the floor and ceiling, and
+warning messges about polygons.
+The first game console we know of was from id Software's game Quake.
+We have been inspired by it and have tried to implement the same functionality
+for the benefit of Quake/Doom fans.
+Since Legacy 1.2, the network part of Doom has been totally rewritten.
+It now uses a better transfer method for the packets, (which is usually faster),
+and also implements a basic Client/Server model, where some critical game
+options are changeable only by the server in multiplayer games. Since the
+network communication is faster, we have upped the maximum number of players to
+.\" OPTIONS section
+.TP 25
+.BI -config " file
+Set the configfile to use.
+Default: config.cfg
+.BI -deh " file [file ...]
+Load one or more DEH (DeHackEd) files or BEX files, which can change monster
+abilities and game text.
+.BI -dehthing " name
+Supported DEH translations: legacy, boom, prboom, ee.
+.BI -file " file [file ...]
+Set PWAD (Patch WAD) files to use.
+.BI -game " mode
+Forces a particular game mode to be used.
+Examples for mode: doom, doomu, doom2, heretic
+(See Reference Manual for complete table)
+.BI -h " [section]
+Print help. An optional section can be specified for details.
+.BI -home " directory
+Home directory location, where your configfiles and savegames are kept.
+.BI -iwad " file
+Set the main IWAD (Internal WAD) file to use.
+This also determines the game mode when -game is not used.
+.BI -noendtext
+Suppress the game EndText screen, which could disrupt some terminal emulations
+because of the special character attributes used.
+.RS 25
+For encoding of EndText data see config.cfg file entry textout.
+Supported values: Off, Vanilla, UTF8.
+.TP 25
+.BI -opengl
+Hardware accelerated rendering using the OpenGL library.
+Will use hardware acceleration for OpenGL if available.
+If the video card does not have OpenGL hardware acceleration then it will use
+the OpenGL emulation in software, which is very slow.
+.BI --version
+Print version and build date.
+.BI -warp " num
+Select the map, start game immediately.
+In DoomII, -warp 13 will goto MAP13.
+In Ultimate Doom, -warp 1 3 will goto E1M3.
+See Reference Manual for a complete options list.
+.\" ENVIRONMENT section
+.TP 25
+X display to use. More information about X can be found in
+.BR X (7).
+This environment variable defines a path where WAD files are located.
+The default is $WADDIR.
+This variable indicates your home directory.
+This variable contains your username, is used as the default value for your
+player name in multiplayer games.
+.\" FILES section
+.TP 25
+.B ~/.doomlegacy/config.cfg
+Default configuration file.
+.B ~/.doomlegacy/glconfig.cfg
+Default configuration file for OpenGL mode.
+.B ~/.doomlegacy/doomsav*.dsg
+Saved game states.
+.\" NOTES section
+If you get no MIDI music, ensure that SDL_mixer has a working MIDI synthesizer
+available. If you use timidity, check that instruments are installed (e.g.
+.IP \(bu 3
+Thanks to id Software of course, for creating the greatest game of all time!
+.IP \(bu 3
+To Raven Software, for Heretic and Hexen!
+.IP \(bu 3
+Chi Hoang for DosDoom which got us started.
+.IP \(bu 3
+Bell Kin for porting Doom Legacy to Linux.
+.IP \(bu 3
+Stephane Dierickx for the two pictures in the laucher and the help screen of
+.IP \(bu 3
+Sebastien Bacquet for Qmus2mid.
+.IP \(bu 3
+Simon Howard for FraggleScript.
+.IP \(bu 3
+TeamTNT for Boom.
+.IP \(bu 3
+Steven McGranahan and Robert Baeuml for their large contributions.
+.IP \(bu 3
+To all of you who send us ideas and bug reports, thank you!
+.\" AUTHORS section
+Original game by id Software.
+Heretic by Raven Software.
+Doom Legacy by Fabrice Denis, Boris Pereira and Thierry Van Elsuwe.
+Maintained by the Doom Legacy Team since 2001.
+Man page for pkgsrc by Michael Baeuerle.
+.\" BUGS section
+.\" .SH BUGS
+.\" EXAMPLES section
+Start the shareware Episode 1 of Doom:
+$ $NAME
+For the following examples you need the original WAD files of the games
+(copy them to $WADDIR or set DOOMWADDIR to the desired location).
+Start Doom and use the OpenGL renderer:
+$ $NAME -opengl -iwad doom.wad
+Start Doom II:
+$ $NAME -iwad doom2.wad
+Start Sigil (Doom Episode 5) in compatibility mode as Episode 3:
+$ $NAME -game doomu -iwad doomu.wad -file SIGIL_COMPAT.wad
+Start Heretic:
+$ $NAME -iwad heretic.wad
+.\" SEE ALSO section
+.BR timidity (1),
+.BR X (7)
+.\" EOF
diff --git a/doomlegacy-snapshot/files/ b/doomlegacy-snapshot/files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9bff891517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doomlegacy-snapshot/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Start script for doomlegacy
+# The option "-no_launcher" doesn't exist, but disables the launcher
+# (this method was suggested by upstream).
+$PREFIX/bin/doomlegacy.bin -no_launcher $@
+# EOF
diff --git a/doomlegacy-snapshot/patches/patch-src_am__map.c b/doomlegacy-snapshot/patches/patch-src_am__map.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25fad3db2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doomlegacy-snapshot/patches/patch-src_am__map.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Set automap "zoom in" key to '+'.
+This patch was rejected upstream, because it works for my german keyboard
+but not for any other layout (patch is as broken as the original code).
+--- src/am_map.c.orig	2018-07-16 09:17:06.000000000 +0000
++++ src/am_map.c
+@@ -118,7 +118,9 @@ static byte DWHITE      =    (256-47);
+-#define AM_ZOOMINKEY    '='
++// The documentation specify '+'
++//#define AM_ZOOMINKEY    '='
++#define AM_ZOOMINKEY    '+'
+ #define AM_ZOOMOUTKEY   '-'
+ #define AM_STARTKEY     KEY_TAB
+ #define AM_ENDKEY       KEY_TAB
diff --git a/doomlegacy-snapshot/patches/patch-src_z__zone.c b/doomlegacy-snapshot/patches/patch-src_z__zone.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f36560a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doomlegacy-snapshot/patches/patch-src_z__zone.c
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Use heap of OS instead of Doom zone memory.
+--- src/z_zone.c.orig	2023-02-10 15:51:01.000000000 +0000
++++ src/z_zone.c
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
+ // When the user writes out-of-bounds of malloced region it will do a sigsegv.
+ // It does not use the tags, cannot recover PU_CACHE, PU_LEVEL, etc. memory.
+ // Uses the most memory of all choices.
+-//#define PLAIN_MALLOC
++#define PLAIN_MALLOC
+ // [WDJ] Combination of malloc and tags.
+ // Does malloc from heap, so will grow from heap as use increases.
+@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@
+ // allocations from it.
+ // Has a command line option to set the zone block size ( -mb <int> ).
+ // It also has some conditional experimental code.
+-#define ZONE_ZALLOC
++//#define ZONE_ZALLOC
+ // Grows the initial allocation block when it runs out of memory.
+ // Runs in the smallest memory of all the choices.
+ // Uses tags, and recovers PU_CACHE and PU_LEVEL memory first.
+ // Applied as an option to ZONE_ZALLOC.
+-#define GROW_ZONE
++//#define GROW_ZONE
+ // Aggressively purges any PU_CACHE, clearing cache faster.
+ // This stresses the memory system more, testing user code to not
diff --git a/flnews-devel/COMMIT_MSG b/flnews-devel/COMMIT_MSG
deleted file mode 100644
index d9a4c33526..0000000000
--- a/flnews-devel/COMMIT_MSG
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Development snapshot.
-Not intended for import.
diff --git a/flnews-devel/DESCR b/flnews-devel/DESCR
deleted file mode 100644
index a1ab58b53f..0000000000
--- a/flnews-devel/DESCR
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-flnews is a client with graphical user interface to read USENET newsgroups.
-It is intended for POSIX compliant operating systems running the X window
-The main development goals are (in order of importance):
-- No bloat
-- Support for old workstations
-- Standard compliance
-- Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others
-- Compatibility with other newsreaders
-- Usable X display redirection via network (or ssh tunnel)
-- Warn users about things that are not forbidden but considered "bad practice"
-Features that are currently not implemented (or not usable yet):
-- Multiple servers
-- Offline mode (for network connection via dialup line)
diff --git a/flnews-devel/Makefile b/flnews-devel/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ee2ab81bbd..0000000000
--- a/flnews-devel/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# $NetBSD$
-FLNEWS_VERSION=	1.3.0pre29
-EXTRACT_SUFX=	.tar.bz2
-COMMENT=	Fast and lightweight USENET newsreader with GUI
-LICENSE=	modified-bsd AND 2-clause-bsd AND unicode
-# Bug report contact address used for GUI
-.include ""
-# Prepare CONFIG file
-SUBST_CLASSES+=			edit-config
-SUBST_STAGE.edit-config=	pre-configure
-SUBST_MESSAGE.edit-config=	Preparing CONFIG file ...
-SUBST_FILES.edit-config=	CONFIG
-SUBST_SED.edit-config=		-e 's,@VERSION@,${FLNEWS_VERSION},g'
-SUBST_VARS.edit-config=		PREFIX
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@MAINT@,${FLNEWS_MAINTAINER},g'
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@IP6@,${FLNEWS_OPT_DISABLE_IP6},g'
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@NLS@,${FLNEWS_OPT_DISABLE_NLS},g'
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@XDBE@,${FLNEWS_OPT_DISABLE_XDBE},g'
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@MAN_PATH@,${PREFIX}/${PKGMANDIR},g'
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@XDG@,0,g'
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@XDG@,1,g'
-# NetBSD reports X/Open XSI extension as not available using the POSIX
-# sysconf(_SC_XOPEN_VERSION) call, but has a sufficient implementation
-# => Force using it
-.if ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD"
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@FORCE_XSI@,1,g'
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@FORCE_XSI@,0,g'
-# NetBSD reports IPv6 as not available using the POSIX sysconf(_SC_IPV6)
-# call, but has a sufficient implementation
-# => Force using it if inet6 option of pkgsrc package is selected
-.if ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD" && ${FLNEWS_OPT_DISABLE_IP6} == 0
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@FORCE_IP6@,1,g'
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@FORCE_IP6@,0,g'
-# Old SunPro compilers cannot create dependencies with the "-M" option
-# => Use makedepend instead for all SunPro compilers
-.if ${OPSYS} == "SunOS" && ${PKGSRC_COMPILER:Msunpro}
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@DEP_MD@,,g'
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@DEP_COMP@,\#,g'
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@DEP_MD@,\#,g'
-SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@DEP_COMP@,,g'
-	cd ${WRKSRC} && \
-.if ${OPSYS} == "SunOS" && ${PKGSRC_COMPILER:Msunpro}
-TOOL_DEPENDS+=			makedepend-[0-9]*:../../devel/makedepend
-BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.zlib+=	zlib>=1.2.3
-.include "../../devel/zlib/"
-# OpenSSL 3 API is required for RFC 7919 FFDHE group negotiation
-.include "../../security/openssl/"
-# FLTK must be compiled with multithreading support
-# FLTK version 1.4 is supported (should be compiled with pango support)
-#.include "../../x11/fltk13/"
-.include "../../x11/fltk/"
-.include "../../mk/"
-.include "../../mk/"
diff --git a/flnews-devel/PLIST b/flnews-devel/PLIST
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b8168d510..0000000000
--- a/flnews-devel/PLIST
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-@comment $NetBSD$
diff --git a/flnews-devel/README b/flnews-devel/README
deleted file mode 100644
index a78e82e53d..0000000000
--- a/flnews-devel/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-This package contains a development snapshot.
-FLTK 1.4 is used to test Pango support.
-Use the script "migrate_config" to convert configuration data from
-version 0.x to the new format.
diff --git a/flnews-devel/distinfo b/flnews-devel/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c60cb4ce7..0000000000
--- a/flnews-devel/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-BLAKE2s (flnews-1.3.0pre29.tar.bz2) = c90cc69c49415e192e5c42c3d7fe567061cf6a14d3f2072e3cac0a2b2f730cc0
-SHA512 (flnews-1.3.0pre29.tar.bz2) = 36d5a5691da4eda47823fd9c55e0c8daf2834b05b19a6fd2bd2d06eee06b8dd20b041ffd3143ca1ad73a8b29d49825f1ffa790b119e7f9543d68ca1e4aff31e7
-Size (flnews-1.3.0pre29.tar.bz2) = 1357209 bytes
diff --git a/flnews-devel/files/CONFIG b/flnews-devel/files/CONFIG
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b0a2ab114..0000000000
--- a/flnews-devel/files/CONFIG
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-# Config file for pkgsrc
-# ======================
-# This file is intended to customize the program. Any changes made to this file
-# don't create a modified version of the program in terms of the license.
-# This file will be parsed by a POSIX shell. Therefore all lines starting with
-# the character '#' are comments and ignored.
-# User configuration
-# ==============================================================================
-# Installation prefix (must be an absolute path without trailing slash)
-# The environment variable 'PREFIX' will override this entry if present!
-# The environment variable 'DESTDIR' will be prepended to this entry if present!
-# Disable IPv6
-# Set this to 1 to disable the usage of IPv6 and POSIX.1g API even if system
-# report IPv6 option (IP6) as available
-# User defined TCP connection timeout in seconds
-# The value 0 uses the default timeout of the operating system
-# Disable compression
-# Set this to 1 if NNTP COMPRESS extension should never be used, even if the
-# required libraries (currently libz) are installed and usable
-# Otherwise the compression negotiation can be enabled and disabled in the GUI
-# (disabled by default)
-# Disable X11 double buffering
-# DB is slow. On fast machines this can be set to 0 to reduce flicker in the GUI
-# Disable National Language Support (NLS)
-# Set this to 1 to disable NLS even if system report it as available
-# The TLS module can do some simple checks and generate warnings if it thinks
-# that underlaying libraries contain known security vulnerabilities
-# Set this to 1 if you don't want to get such warnings
-# The TLS module can use CRLs to check for revoked X.509 certificates
-# Usage and update interval can be configured via configfile (see manual page)
-# CRLs are downloaded automatically and must be available via HTTP protocol
-# (CRL distribution point entries in certificates)
-# Note: Not all CAs provide CRL distribution points in their certificates
-# Set this to 0 to check the whole chain for revoked certificates
-# Disable XDG support
-# Set this to 0 to install XDG conformant desktop entries and icon themes
-# [For Apple macOS only] FLTK library must be compiled to use Cocoa backend
-# Note: This option requires FLTK 1.4 (is ignored for FLTK 1.3)
-# Setting this to 1 moves the menu bar to top of desktop
-# Allow NNTP AUTHINFO USER/PASS client authentication without TLS
-# The default is 0 and requires TLS encryption for authentication
-# You can set this to 1 to use a local stunnel for the encryption
-# !!! Attention: Setting this to 1 may reveal your login data to the public !!!
-# !!!            An external program must encrypt the network connection    !!!
-# ==============================================================================
-# Force usage of REQUIRED facilities that system reports as not available
-# ==============================================================================
-# Force usage of POSIX.1b realtime extension, timers (TMR) option even if system
-# reports TMR option as not available
-# Set this to 1 if your system report no sufficient TMR option, but you want to
-# try anyway
-# Force usage of POSIX.1c thread (THR) extension even if system reports THR
-# extension as not available
-# Set this to 1 if your system report no sufficient THR extension, but you want
-# to try anyway
-# Force usage of POSIX.1c thread-safe functions (TSF) option even if system
-# reports TSF option as not available
-# Set this to 1 if your system report no sufficient TSF extension, but you want
-# to try anyway
-# Force usage of POSIX.2a user portability (UP) utilities even if system reports
-# UP extension as not available
-# Set this to 1 if your system report no sufficient UP extension, but you want
-# to try anyway
-# ==============================================================================
-# Force usage of OPTIONAL facilities that system reports as not available
-# ==============================================================================
-# Force usage of X/Open System Interface (XSI) even if system reports XSI
-# extension as not available or too old (at least SUSv2 is required)
-# Set this to 1 if your system report no sufficient XSI extension, but you want
-# to try anyway
-# Force usage of IPv6 option (IP6) even if system reports it as not available
-# Set this to 1 if your system report no IP6 option, but you want to try anyway
-# (at least POSIX.1-2001 is required)
-# ==============================================================================
-# Dependency creation (try the defaults if in doubt)
-# ==============================================================================
-# Commands to create dependencies
-# If the compilers preprocessor don't support '-M' use makedepend like this:
-@DEP_MD@CFG_CC_DEP_COMMAND='makedepend -f- -- $(CFLAGS) -- $$file'
-@DEP_MD@CFG_CXX_DEP_COMMAND='makedepend -f- -- $(CXXFLAGS) $(FLTK_CXXFLAGS) -- $$file'
-# ==============================================================================
-# Utilities (modify only if the versions of your system are too old or broken)
-# ==============================================================================
-# POSIX.2 compliant standard utilities
-# ==============================================================================
-# List of all tools in this section
-# This is for the package maintainer (do not change as user)
-# ==============================================================================
-# Program name (printable characters from POSIX portable character set only)
-# Version (printable characters from POSIX portable character set only)
-# Must start with major number followed by '.'
-# If a modified version should be redistributed, set this to '1' if you want to
-# keep the original program name. This will automatically insert the prominent
-# modification notice that is required by the license.
-# Alternatively you can set this to '0' and change the program name with the
-# variable "CFG_NAME" above.
-# Contact information of package maintainer
-# If a modified version should be redistributed, the following maintainer
-# contact information must be replaced. Read "src/LICENSE" file for details.
-# Installation path for man page
-# (must be an absolute path without trailing slash)
-# The FHS 3.0 defines "/usr[/local]/share/man". The location "/usr/local/man" is
-# explicitly marked deprecated.
-# Installation path for license file
-# (must be an absolute path without trailing slash)
-# Installation path for National Language Support (NLS) catalogs
-# (must be an absolute path without trailing slash)
-# The FHS 3.0 defines "/usr[/local]/share/nls" for NLS catalogs but the whole
-# hierarchy below "share" is dedicated to files that are portable between
-# architectures - what our NLS catalogs are not!
-# Installation path for desktop files
-# (must be an absolute path without trailing slash)
-# Installation path for icons
-# (must be an absolute path without trailing slash)
-# Reproducible builds
-# The SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH specification 1.1 is supported:
-# ==============================================================================
-# EOF
diff --git a/flnews-devel/ b/flnews-devel/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ba8cfd9c5..0000000000
--- a/flnews-devel/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# $NetBSD$
-PKG_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS=	inet6 nls xdbe xdg-utils
-PKG_SUGGESTED_OPTIONS=	inet6 nls xdbe xdg-utils
-.include "../../mk/"
-.include "../../mk/"
-# POSIX.1c-1996 Threads (THR) extension is required
-PTHREAD_OPTS+=	require
-# inet6: Optional support for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
-# Requires an OS with POSIX.1-2001 API and IP6 option
-.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Minet6)
-# nls: Optional support for National Language Support (NLS)
-# Requires an OS with X/Open XSI extension API (SUSv2) and the gencat utility
-# Note: Only locales with UTF-8, ISO-8859-1 or US-ASCII codeset are supported!
-PLIST_VARS+=			nls
-.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mnls)
-PLIST.nls=			yes
-# xdbe: Optional support for X11 Double Buffer Extension (XDBE)
-# This option should be disabled for slow machines
-.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mxdbe)
-# xdg: Optional support for XDG (Cross-Desktop Group, now
-# - Install desktop file
-# - Install icon-theme
-# - xdg-utils (Portland project) dependency
-#   Used for WWW browser and e-mail redirection
-PLIST_VARS+=			xdg
-.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mxdg-utils)
-PLIST.xdg=			yes
-DEPENDS+=	xdg-utils>=1.1:../../misc/xdg-utils
-.  include "../../graphics/hicolor-icon-theme/"
-# Quoted from comment:
-# | This Makefile fragment is intended to be included by packages that install
-# | desktop entries.
-# There is a desktop entry, but no MIME types are associated with this program.
-# Is this nevertheless required?
-.  include "../../sysutils/desktop-file-utils/"
diff --git a/flnews-snapshot/COMMIT_MSG b/flnews-snapshot/COMMIT_MSG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9a4c33526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flnews-snapshot/COMMIT_MSG
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Development snapshot.
+Not intended for import.
diff --git a/flnews-snapshot/DESCR b/flnews-snapshot/DESCR
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1ab58b53f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flnews-snapshot/DESCR
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+flnews is a client with graphical user interface to read USENET newsgroups.
+It is intended for POSIX compliant operating systems running the X window
+The main development goals are (in order of importance):
+- No bloat
+- Support for old workstations
+- Standard compliance
+- Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others
+- Compatibility with other newsreaders
+- Usable X display redirection via network (or ssh tunnel)
+- Warn users about things that are not forbidden but considered "bad practice"
+Features that are currently not implemented (or not usable yet):
+- Multiple servers
+- Offline mode (for network connection via dialup line)
diff --git a/flnews-snapshot/Makefile b/flnews-snapshot/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee2ab81bbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flnews-snapshot/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# $NetBSD$
+FLNEWS_VERSION=	1.3.0pre29
+EXTRACT_SUFX=	.tar.bz2
+COMMENT=	Fast and lightweight USENET newsreader with GUI
+LICENSE=	modified-bsd AND 2-clause-bsd AND unicode
+# Bug report contact address used for GUI
+.include ""
+# Prepare CONFIG file
+SUBST_CLASSES+=			edit-config
+SUBST_STAGE.edit-config=	pre-configure
+SUBST_MESSAGE.edit-config=	Preparing CONFIG file ...
+SUBST_FILES.edit-config=	CONFIG
+SUBST_SED.edit-config=		-e 's,@VERSION@,${FLNEWS_VERSION},g'
+SUBST_VARS.edit-config=		PREFIX
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@MAINT@,${FLNEWS_MAINTAINER},g'
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@IP6@,${FLNEWS_OPT_DISABLE_IP6},g'
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@NLS@,${FLNEWS_OPT_DISABLE_NLS},g'
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@XDBE@,${FLNEWS_OPT_DISABLE_XDBE},g'
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@MAN_PATH@,${PREFIX}/${PKGMANDIR},g'
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@XDG@,0,g'
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@XDG@,1,g'
+# NetBSD reports X/Open XSI extension as not available using the POSIX
+# sysconf(_SC_XOPEN_VERSION) call, but has a sufficient implementation
+# => Force using it
+.if ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD"
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@FORCE_XSI@,1,g'
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@FORCE_XSI@,0,g'
+# NetBSD reports IPv6 as not available using the POSIX sysconf(_SC_IPV6)
+# call, but has a sufficient implementation
+# => Force using it if inet6 option of pkgsrc package is selected
+.if ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD" && ${FLNEWS_OPT_DISABLE_IP6} == 0
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@FORCE_IP6@,1,g'
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@FORCE_IP6@,0,g'
+# Old SunPro compilers cannot create dependencies with the "-M" option
+# => Use makedepend instead for all SunPro compilers
+.if ${OPSYS} == "SunOS" && ${PKGSRC_COMPILER:Msunpro}
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@DEP_MD@,,g'
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@DEP_COMP@,\#,g'
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@DEP_MD@,\#,g'
+SUBST_SED.edit-config+=		-e 's,@DEP_COMP@,,g'
+	cd ${WRKSRC} && \
+.if ${OPSYS} == "SunOS" && ${PKGSRC_COMPILER:Msunpro}
+TOOL_DEPENDS+=			makedepend-[0-9]*:../../devel/makedepend
+BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.zlib+=	zlib>=1.2.3
+.include "../../devel/zlib/"
+# OpenSSL 3 API is required for RFC 7919 FFDHE group negotiation
+.include "../../security/openssl/"
+# FLTK must be compiled with multithreading support
+# FLTK version 1.4 is supported (should be compiled with pango support)
+#.include "../../x11/fltk13/"
+.include "../../x11/fltk/"
+.include "../../mk/"
+.include "../../mk/"
diff --git a/flnews-snapshot/PLIST b/flnews-snapshot/PLIST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b8168d510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flnews-snapshot/PLIST
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+@comment $NetBSD$
diff --git a/flnews-snapshot/README b/flnews-snapshot/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a78e82e53d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flnews-snapshot/README
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This package contains a development snapshot.
+FLTK 1.4 is used to test Pango support.
+Use the script "migrate_config" to convert configuration data from
+version 0.x to the new format.
diff --git a/flnews-snapshot/distinfo b/flnews-snapshot/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c60cb4ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flnews-snapshot/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+BLAKE2s (flnews-1.3.0pre29.tar.bz2) = c90cc69c49415e192e5c42c3d7fe567061cf6a14d3f2072e3cac0a2b2f730cc0
+SHA512 (flnews-1.3.0pre29.tar.bz2) = 36d5a5691da4eda47823fd9c55e0c8daf2834b05b19a6fd2bd2d06eee06b8dd20b041ffd3143ca1ad73a8b29d49825f1ffa790b119e7f9543d68ca1e4aff31e7
+Size (flnews-1.3.0pre29.tar.bz2) = 1357209 bytes
diff --git a/flnews-snapshot/files/CONFIG b/flnews-snapshot/files/CONFIG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b0a2ab114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flnews-snapshot/files/CONFIG
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# Config file for pkgsrc
+# ======================
+# This file is intended to customize the program. Any changes made to this file
+# don't create a modified version of the program in terms of the license.
+# This file will be parsed by a POSIX shell. Therefore all lines starting with
+# the character '#' are comments and ignored.
+# User configuration
+# ==============================================================================
+# Installation prefix (must be an absolute path without trailing slash)
+# The environment variable 'PREFIX' will override this entry if present!
+# The environment variable 'DESTDIR' will be prepended to this entry if present!
+# Disable IPv6
+# Set this to 1 to disable the usage of IPv6 and POSIX.1g API even if system
+# report IPv6 option (IP6) as available
+# User defined TCP connection timeout in seconds
+# The value 0 uses the default timeout of the operating system
+# Disable compression
+# Set this to 1 if NNTP COMPRESS extension should never be used, even if the
+# required libraries (currently libz) are installed and usable
+# Otherwise the compression negotiation can be enabled and disabled in the GUI
+# (disabled by default)
+# Disable X11 double buffering
+# DB is slow. On fast machines this can be set to 0 to reduce flicker in the GUI
+# Disable National Language Support (NLS)
+# Set this to 1 to disable NLS even if system report it as available
+# The TLS module can do some simple checks and generate warnings if it thinks
+# that underlaying libraries contain known security vulnerabilities
+# Set this to 1 if you don't want to get such warnings
+# The TLS module can use CRLs to check for revoked X.509 certificates
+# Usage and update interval can be configured via configfile (see manual page)
+# CRLs are downloaded automatically and must be available via HTTP protocol
+# (CRL distribution point entries in certificates)
+# Note: Not all CAs provide CRL distribution points in their certificates
+# Set this to 0 to check the whole chain for revoked certificates
+# Disable XDG support
+# Set this to 0 to install XDG conformant desktop entries and icon themes
+# [For Apple macOS only] FLTK library must be compiled to use Cocoa backend
+# Note: This option requires FLTK 1.4 (is ignored for FLTK 1.3)
+# Setting this to 1 moves the menu bar to top of desktop
+# Allow NNTP AUTHINFO USER/PASS client authentication without TLS
+# The default is 0 and requires TLS encryption for authentication
+# You can set this to 1 to use a local stunnel for the encryption
+# !!! Attention: Setting this to 1 may reveal your login data to the public !!!
+# !!!            An external program must encrypt the network connection    !!!
+# ==============================================================================
+# Force usage of REQUIRED facilities that system reports as not available
+# ==============================================================================
+# Force usage of POSIX.1b realtime extension, timers (TMR) option even if system
+# reports TMR option as not available
+# Set this to 1 if your system report no sufficient TMR option, but you want to
+# try anyway
+# Force usage of POSIX.1c thread (THR) extension even if system reports THR
+# extension as not available
+# Set this to 1 if your system report no sufficient THR extension, but you want
+# to try anyway
+# Force usage of POSIX.1c thread-safe functions (TSF) option even if system
+# reports TSF option as not available
+# Set this to 1 if your system report no sufficient TSF extension, but you want
+# to try anyway
+# Force usage of POSIX.2a user portability (UP) utilities even if system reports
+# UP extension as not available
+# Set this to 1 if your system report no sufficient UP extension, but you want
+# to try anyway
+# ==============================================================================
+# Force usage of OPTIONAL facilities that system reports as not available
+# ==============================================================================
+# Force usage of X/Open System Interface (XSI) even if system reports XSI
+# extension as not available or too old (at least SUSv2 is required)
+# Set this to 1 if your system report no sufficient XSI extension, but you want
+# to try anyway
+# Force usage of IPv6 option (IP6) even if system reports it as not available
+# Set this to 1 if your system report no IP6 option, but you want to try anyway
+# (at least POSIX.1-2001 is required)
+# ==============================================================================
+# Dependency creation (try the defaults if in doubt)
+# ==============================================================================
+# Commands to create dependencies
+# If the compilers preprocessor don't support '-M' use makedepend like this:
+@DEP_MD@CFG_CC_DEP_COMMAND='makedepend -f- -- $(CFLAGS) -- $$file'
+@DEP_MD@CFG_CXX_DEP_COMMAND='makedepend -f- -- $(CXXFLAGS) $(FLTK_CXXFLAGS) -- $$file'
+# ==============================================================================
+# Utilities (modify only if the versions of your system are too old or broken)
+# ==============================================================================
+# POSIX.2 compliant standard utilities
+# ==============================================================================
+# List of all tools in this section
+# This is for the package maintainer (do not change as user)
+# ==============================================================================
+# Program name (printable characters from POSIX portable character set only)
+# Version (printable characters from POSIX portable character set only)
+# Must start with major number followed by '.'
+# If a modified version should be redistributed, set this to '1' if you want to
+# keep the original program name. This will automatically insert the prominent
+# modification notice that is required by the license.
+# Alternatively you can set this to '0' and change the program name with the
+# variable "CFG_NAME" above.
+# Contact information of package maintainer
+# If a modified version should be redistributed, the following maintainer
+# contact information must be replaced. Read "src/LICENSE" file for details.
+# Installation path for man page
+# (must be an absolute path without trailing slash)
+# The FHS 3.0 defines "/usr[/local]/share/man". The location "/usr/local/man" is
+# explicitly marked deprecated.
+# Installation path for license file
+# (must be an absolute path without trailing slash)
+# Installation path for National Language Support (NLS) catalogs
+# (must be an absolute path without trailing slash)
+# The FHS 3.0 defines "/usr[/local]/share/nls" for NLS catalogs but the whole
+# hierarchy below "share" is dedicated to files that are portable between
+# architectures - what our NLS catalogs are not!
+# Installation path for desktop files
+# (must be an absolute path without trailing slash)
+# Installation path for icons
+# (must be an absolute path without trailing slash)
+# Reproducible builds
+# The SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH specification 1.1 is supported:
+# ==============================================================================
+# EOF
diff --git a/flnews-snapshot/ b/flnews-snapshot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ba8cfd9c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flnews-snapshot/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# $NetBSD$
+PKG_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS=	inet6 nls xdbe xdg-utils
+PKG_SUGGESTED_OPTIONS=	inet6 nls xdbe xdg-utils
+.include "../../mk/"
+.include "../../mk/"
+# POSIX.1c-1996 Threads (THR) extension is required
+PTHREAD_OPTS+=	require
+# inet6: Optional support for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
+# Requires an OS with POSIX.1-2001 API and IP6 option
+.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Minet6)
+# nls: Optional support for National Language Support (NLS)
+# Requires an OS with X/Open XSI extension API (SUSv2) and the gencat utility
+# Note: Only locales with UTF-8, ISO-8859-1 or US-ASCII codeset are supported!
+PLIST_VARS+=			nls
+.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mnls)
+PLIST.nls=			yes
+# xdbe: Optional support for X11 Double Buffer Extension (XDBE)
+# This option should be disabled for slow machines
+.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mxdbe)
+# xdg: Optional support for XDG (Cross-Desktop Group, now
+# - Install desktop file
+# - Install icon-theme
+# - xdg-utils (Portland project) dependency
+#   Used for WWW browser and e-mail redirection
+PLIST_VARS+=			xdg
+.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mxdg-utils)
+PLIST.xdg=			yes
+DEPENDS+=	xdg-utils>=1.1:../../misc/xdg-utils
+.  include "../../graphics/hicolor-icon-theme/"
+# Quoted from comment:
+# | This Makefile fragment is intended to be included by packages that install
+# | desktop entries.
+# There is a desktop entry, but no MIME types are associated with this program.
+# Is this nevertheless required?
+.  include "../../sysutils/desktop-file-utils/"

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